Chapter Two

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We were going swimming, as soon as the girls were done changing. They took forever to get dressed. All I knew is I couldn't get Kelsey off my mind. I know I had a girlfriend, that was here, but the thought of her wouldn't leave my head. I knew I needed it to go away before I do something stupid.

Soon Pierre walked in with her hair in a weird messy bun and wearing a hideous swim suit. It was an ugly floral one piece that could've passed as her grandmother's. I put on a fake smile and she walked outside to go tan I'm guessing.

Then Kelsey walked in. She was wearing a sexy green strapless bikini. Her wavy hair was perfectly framing her face and shoulders. She had a total swimmers body. We were all standing there, mouth open, staring at her.

Niall came up to each of us and slapped us screaming "Stop. Staring. At. My. Sister." Getting an "Ow!"from all of us. She laughed at him and waved in Harry, Louis, Liam, and my faces.

"Hello boys." She giggled and walked out the door. They all followed her lead as I stood there watching her walk away. When she was out of sight, I snapped back to reality.

I walked outside and saw the boys and Kelsey joking around in the water. I sighed, I couldn't swim so I just had to sit out here. Maybe stick my feet in the water.

Right as I was about to, Pierre called me over. "Zayn! Come here!" I sighed and walked over. Was I just imagining it, or was she suddenly getting annoying since Kelsey arrived?

"Yes love?" I breathed, slouching my shoulders.

"Go get me some more tanning lotion from inside." She whined. I nodded and went to go get it, then I remembered. She isn't my mother, she can't tell me what to do.

"Could you get it yourself?" I snapped.

"Ugh fine." She groaned, swinging her legs over the side of the chair and getting up. I smiled in satisfaction and turned back to the pool.

Niall had picked Kelsey up bridal style and him and Liam were threatening to throw her.

"No! Niall put me down!" She laughed. I smiled at the show. Just because I couldn't join, didn't mean I couldn't watch right?

"Louis! You can't catch me!" Harry cried, running out of the pool.

"Yes I can!" Louis called back, laughing and jumping out. They ran around the rim of the pool a couple of times, then Harry took a turn and ran into the house. Niall, Liam, Kelsey, and I all laughed loudly.

"I'll be right back Kels. Liam come help me see what they're doing!" Niall exclaimed, climbing out and running to the door.

"Okay! Zayn! Don't let Kelsey drown!" Liam joked, following Niall.

Once they were all inside, it was just Kelsey and I. I sucked in a deep breath as she looked up at me and smiled. She blushed a little then eased underneath the water and swam to the shallow end of the pool. I started walking over to the edge of the deeper end to stick my feet in. I sat there leaning over the water, swinging my feet, and staring at Kelsey as she swam around doing little tricks, popping up every once and a while. I was so deeply effected by her, to the point she was the only thing I could see at the moment. It's all that I can think about. I thought I loved Pierre, but with her around, those thoughts were questioned. I felt different around a good way.

Then I heard a scream, knocking me from any thought of anyone, one of the boys I guess. Whoever it was, it made me jump and fall into the pool. In the deep end where I couldn't reach.

My nightmare was seriously just coming true. I was trying to get the edge to pull myself up, but I couldn't find it. It had just disappeared. I was running out of air though and it was making me weak. That thought ran through my mind. I could barely stay up any longer.

I popped up, not having the strength to hold myself above the water like I'd want to, and had one last breath before I went under. "Kelsey!" I tried to scream, but it came out more of a choked whisper. That's it, I was breathing in water now.

As I went under I heard her say "oh my god...Zayn!" All I saw was water and her frantic movements. But then everything just went black....


Oh god. Zayn please be alright. I swam as fast as I could to him and pulled him to edge. No one else was out here. I was the only one to help, I had to do something. Using all my strength, I lugged his limp muscled body out of the water. I gently laid my head on his chest and grabbed his hand, checking for any heart beat or pulse. Thankfully, there was one. Letting out a sigh of relief, I thought of what I had to do. I had to give him mouth to mouth.

I pushed down on his chest then breathed in his mouth. After a few times of that, he started coughing and spitting out water. I looked at him and smiled, I saved his life. I propped him up a bit, but when I realized he was too weak to sit up, I laid him back down and looked over him.

His eyes slowly opened. "K-Kelsey? Y-you s-saved me..?" He stuttered softly. I nodded, as he took in a deep breath of realization. He gave me a weak smile as his eyes slowly fluttered closed again and whispered "thank you."

"Anytime." I whispered back and leaned forward to move his water matted hair from his face. When I got close to his face, his eyes peaked open, then he rested his hand on the back of my neck and unexpectedly pulled me to him. I wanted to pull back knowing Pierre was right inside, but I couldn't. It felt too right. So I kissed him back. When I did, I felt him make a little smile ease its way into the kiss. He reached up and ran his other hand through my soaking wet hair, tangling his fingers in it. This was wrong....yet so right.

Then the worst thing happened...I heard a shriek.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2013 ⏰

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