Yule Ball

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[Just to start off this is going to be a one shot. Sorry in advance]

It was the night of the Yule ball. Draco Malfoy was feeling bored. Pansy irritated him so much sometimes. He stepped out of the Great Hall and that was when he saw her. The mudblood cleaned up good. She was beautiful. Draco had to smack himself. But he couldn't stop gazing at Hermione. Hermione walked over to Viktor Krum looping her arm in his. Draco growled and smacked himself again. What was he thinking?! Hermione noticed Draco and actually smiled at him for once. Draco looked away walking back into the Great Hall and informing Professor McGonagall that all the contestants were out front. The band started playing and in walked Harry Potter with one of the Patill twins, Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang, Viktor Krum and Hermione Granger, and Fleur Delacour and her date. As they did their first dance Draco kept his eyes on Granger. Pansy took Draco's hand and he pulled her onto the dance floor watching Hermione the whole time.

As the music turned to something slower Draco walked off to the punch table. He got a glass and Hermione walked over. "You look beautiful, Granger," Draco mumbled turning to walk away with his punch. Hermione grabbed his arm. "Malfoy.." she started. Draco turned to face Hermione. She was smiling a genuine smile and he had to blush. She really was beautiful. "Thank you, Draco. You look handsome yourself," Hermione said and actually blushed. Draco's tongue got caught in his throat. As he started to speak Pansy walked over. "What do you want mudblood. Drakey let's go dance," Parkinson said glaring daggers at Hermione. Draco glared. "Parkinson go dance with Goyle," Draco said and walked off drinking his juice. Hermione walked in an opposite direction and soon found herself beside Draco in the darkness. Draco looked at her. "Granger.. Hermione.. Would you l-like to dance?" Draco stuttered. Hermione took his hand. "Draco, I think it would be unsafe, but I would like too," Hermione answered. Draco lead her into the darkness more and started dancing with her. Hermione smiled actually having fun as they danced.

After they were dancing for a while Hermione went to find Viktor. They danced for a while as Draco watched knowing he'd dance with her after Potter and Weasley left. They weren't dancing at all.

"Hermione you're fraternizing with the enemy," Ron yelled at Hermione talking about Viktor Krum. Hermione screamed at Ronald and Ron got up leaving furious. Harry followed Ron and Hermione moved into the shadows breaking down in tears. Draco came over and wrapped his arm around Hermione letting her cry into his shoulder. "You could always come to the dark side," Draco said quietly and Hermione looked up at him and slapped him. Draco frowned. Than he kissed Hermione hard and she kissed him back. She let out all her anger into the kiss and Draco pulled her into the darkness. That's how the night ended. Draco and Hermione kissed until it was time to go back to the dorms. Hermione left Draco with a smile on her face. Draco went down to the Slytherin common room and grinned widely as he got into his pajamas's.

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