Chapter 1

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June 21, 1963

"Meghan!! Get over here and hug me, It has been way too long since the last time I've seen my best friend", Leah ran towards me with a huge smile on her face. We finally reached each other and were hugging for what seems like ages when I finally break the silence, "Ugh I missed you so much, thank you so much for inviting me!". "Girl are you kidding it was my pleasure, sure I made a couple friends here but none of them know me as well as you do", she said while picking up one of my many bags, "now let's go, we've got plans for today".

"That is so like you Leah, I'm not even here 10 minutes and already you have something planned for us", that's her alright,"well let's just get home first". Before you know it we're at Leah's car, we spent the fifteen minute drive home talking about anything and everything, boy do we have catching up to do. Finally we pull on to her street and I see the sign that says Menlove Avenue. All the houses have a victorian look to them, so beautiful. We pull into the driveway of their home and let me just say the pictures Leah sent me didn't do it justice. I open the door and get out of the car and are face to face with my other parents, Mr and Mrs.Connors. "Meghan, we're so glad you're here, welcome to our humble abode", Mr.Connors says to me while embracing me in a fatherly hug. "I wouldn't of missed it for the world, I've missed you guys so much since you moved", I make my way to Mrs.Connors who has a huge smile on her face and arms wide open, hugging me tightly.

Leah is standing by her parents looking impatient,"Mom, dad me and Meghan are going to get her all unpacked and ready for tonight".

"That's fine honey, if you guys need anything just give us a yell", my second dad says, with total sincerity. Her parents sat down on the front porch and me and Leah ran to her room.

"Meghan it looks like you're moving in, so many bags!",she says while pulling various items out my luggage and placing them in her dresser.

"Of course I have a lot of bags, I'm here for the whole summer and I had to pack for any situation, like take tonight for example, where are you taking me?".

"Well there's this place called the Cavern Club that my friends told me about, and a band called The Beetles is playing there, I thought we'd go check em out, fun huh?", sounds very fun to me.

"Definitely, and see I have the perfect outfit for that because I came prepared for any scenario", I say while jumping onto the bed I'll be sleeping in all summer. I look around her room, it looks the same as it did back home, I missed all of this, why did they have to move?Suddenly while giving her room the one over I spot a record player, perfect.

"I bought some records! You know I can't go without my Four Seasons, and Beach Boys.", oh how true that is.

"Oh of course,some things never change ha, so did you hear I will follow him by Peggy March?, that song is my current obsession!"

"Yes yes yes! That song makes me want a boyfriend so badly, I seriously think I repel boys Leah! I've been single for a year.", I say while sighing dramatically.

The pathetic part is it's true, I've had one boyfriend, Brad McAllister, he was great and all but there wasn't much there so we broke up mutually.

"Aw, Meg. Don't worry about it I have too remember? We'll find boys this summer. On a higher point, can you believe we're done with high school? I wish we could've graduated together." Oh man it seems like it was so long ago but it was just a few days ago that I graduated high school, it's all so surreal. "Yeah I do too, it's hard to believe it's over, and we'll be heading off to college in the fall"

"Well let's not worry about that now Meg, we have to get ready for the Cavern Club, you take a shower up here I'll take the downstairs" she says while walking out the door, "tonight is going to be fun".

I walk out the door and find the bathroom right down the hall. A quick 15 minute shower and I'm out and headed back into the room, Leah already there, wow she's actually done before me. She decides to curl her hair and I straighten mine with her iron. One hour, and lots of getting ready later and we're done. I look in the mirror, my hair is pencil straight, I'm wearing a crimson mini skirt, my favorite moccassins, and a new cardigan I bought just the other day. "Ready to go Meghan?", Leah says to me.

"Yup let's hit the road", I say to her, ready for a fun night out with my best friend, the first one in a while.

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