Tweek POV:

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It's finally over! It's Friday! After School, I go to the Coffee Shop to take over the register. But it really wasn't all that busy today... 10...12 people? Whatever. So i go to close up the Shop, when some one walks in. "O-oh, S-Sorry, Gah!, We-Were closed N-now, but w-we open again o-on-..." It was Kenny. "O-oh, Gah!, H-Hey Kenny!"
No response... "H-Hey Kenny, Gah!, I-I can make yo-you  a Coffee, i-if you w-want? Gah!, What y-you want?" Still no response... Something was going on... He wouldn't answer me, he would just-... Stare... "I-is everything, Gah!, Everything a-alright Kenny?" He Looked up at me, then our list of Flavors... Finally, he spoke, "Just a Plain, Dark Roast, Tweek..." He looked down at his feet again... "O-okey, I-I'll, Gah!, get that f-for you..." After that, he just stared at me, until his Coffee was ready, then i awkwardly gave it to him... "Ok- Kenny, That'll, Gah!, That'll be $14.9-..." He was gone... He left $15, and a note... I unfolded the note, and i read, "Meet me at Stark's Pond, Tommarow, at 5:30, it's important, Signed, -Kenny" I Folded the note back up. "G-Gah!, t-to much pressure!"

Tweek X KennyWhere stories live. Discover now