Chapter XV

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The week drove by quick fast, Louis and Harry have been texting each other all day everyday for almost seven days.

Louis thought they were getting closer and closer with each other. they were being close /mentally/ because they're so far away apart but that doesn't mean they're not close at heart.

Harry finally decided to visit Cheshire along with Zayn since Gemma wasn't gonna be there and his parents weren't too.

When they arrived at Louis'- well, his house, Harry immediately looked up to his bedroom window and reminded himself of the night of the accident.

he shudders at the thought that his mother was standing right where his standing now, looking up to his room to witness his son getting attacked by the lightning.

"You're here!" Niall greeted, from behind Zayn and Harry who was still standing outside.

Zayn smirked. "hey, cutie's here."

Niall rolled his eyes as Liam left his car that he just parked, walking towards the other boys.

"Hi lads," Liam smiled. "why are we standing outside ? where's Louis?"

"We haven't- haven't knocked yet." Harry blushed as they walk towards the front door and knocked softly.

It wasn't long before the door swung open, revealing a topless Louis.

"Hey, it's my body!" Louis joked but Harry wasn't paying attention to the joke. he was starring at Louis' (his) inked chest.

"What have you done?!" Harry started. "You got a tattoo, on my body?!" Harry emphasis the word my because its his body after all, Louis just /borrowing/ it.

"Do you like it though?" Louis smiled as he looked down at his inked chest.

the tattoo seemed painful to make, Harry thought.

it was two swallows with eyebrows, one of them is smaller than the other.

Harry thinks it's cute but who the fuck gets a meaningless tattoo?

"Louis," Harry breathed. "Birds don't have eyebrows."

Louis chuckled. "it's me and you, genius."

And what? did Louis got a tattoo on Harry's body representing the two of them? it's still doesn't make sense to Harry.

"I mean, don't you want a reminder of this whole twisted thing ? When we finally get our bodies back you probably don't want to talk to me so I made you a reminder."

"That's sweet," Zayn said from behind Harry making both of them remember that they're not even inside yet and they were making their friends waited outside.

So Louis lets everyone in and closed the door behind them.

"You should've asked for my permission." Harry stated. "Please don't do it again without asking me."

"There's also this star," Louis pointed to a star tattoo that was unnoticed before since it was on his arm and it was small. "I read some of your journals and you really wanted to be famous and-"

"You read my journals?!" Harry rudely cuts him off, eyes widen and voice raised.

"Harry, listen," Louis sighed. "We're basically one person now, yeah? I'm you and you're me. literally."

Harry rolled his eyes. "We're not soulmates, Louis."

"I'm not saying we are!" Louis runs his fingers through his curls (it was Harry's curls but Louis likes them so much so he's going to claimed it as his until he got his body back.

Harry just rolled his eyes and walks away, joining the other three boys in the kitchen.


They spent hours playing video games, eating, laughing and watching a film or two, and now the five boys were all tired and all ready to sleep.

They all went up to Louis' (Harry's former, you may say) room and lay on the sleeping bags Louis had already set up for them.

"You," Louis pulled Harry by the arm onto is embrace. "Are sleeping on my- your bed."

Harry furrowed his brows. "That's not fair for the boys-"

"Oh, don't worry about us!" Niall cuts him off. "besides there's only three sleeping bags."

Harry sighs and look up to Louis (he thought if he met Louis in his own body he would look down at him and not up, but for now he was much smaller than Louis)

"You're sleeping with me?"

"Are you uncomfortable with that?" Louis asked but he didn't give a chance to Harry to answer that. "Harry, it's okay, I told you, we are basically one person now."

Harry sighs. "Fine."


Harry fell asleep quite quick, he was tired as fuck and it only took him five minutes until he felt his eyelids got heavier.

Of course Harry quickly opens his eyes when he felt a body press on his back and a pair of arms, wrapping around them.

"What the fuck?" he quickly turn over to see a smiling Louis- (or a smiling Harry since its Harry's face after all) "Louis!"

"Yeah, babe?" Louis whispered, he didnt want to bother the other boys on the floor.

"Don't call me that!" Harry whisper-yelled at him. "And don't touch me like that! you have a girlfriend, remember?"

"Actually, you're the one who have a girlfriend." Louis smirked, emphasising the word 'you're' "I mean if people see me holding hands with El, they'd assume she's cheating on you with me. get it?"

Harry glared at him. "Shut up, I'm trying to sleep."

"There's nothing wrong with a cuddle," Louis pointed out, still smirking. "Let me cuddle you, yeah?"

Harry sighed, but nodded anyway, turning over again.

Louis literally got his (Okay, Harry's) body pressed against Harry's (or his) he was holding him tight almost like he didnt want him to go.

All Louis could think of before falling asleep was. "I hope I woke up in me." and "I hope this is what /being close/ means."



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