Chapter 11

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(A/N: Ki seems a little brutal in this chapter)

I take a bite of the Salamander Meat as well before placing the bowl down and leaning against a cave wall. I look out at the sky to see that the snow is slowly clearing up and allowing us to move later on. We stay in the cave for a little while longer as the sky becomes brighter signifying that it's day time, I get up before stretching and helping Lillian to her feet and kicking the fire out. I take a last bite out of the Salamander Meat before I use «Call of The Wind» and get us three to the top of the mountain.

As we land on the ground again I find that the mountain up top is almost completely flat. As if someone flattened the tip and would out the sides to make a large platform. I let my Manna slowly regain its capacity until full before I spot a small town that's on the next mountain, which is lower than the one we're on but is even more flatter and wider. I point to it before we start walking towards it. I hear a laugh before turning around to see a man that's like the bigger brother of Chase the jockey, twice as big and twice as ugly.

He's wearing thick bone armour and he has a crooked two handed sword that is blood red. His hair green and messy with a pair of white eyes to make it even creepier. Just looking at the guy gives me shivers. He chuckles before chanting something, I don't know what it is, is it... magic? I realise just in time and draw my sword as he finishes the spell. As he does the air feels like its pulling me down and the gravity of earth as turned from 1g to 3g's or something insane.

"The name's Jackhead. I'm a Player Hunter, and I'll be taking your life." He tells us and I struggle to get to my feet, but its useless and he slowly walks towards me but stops when something catches his attention. I look at what he's staring at to see that he's eyeing up my sister and Lillian. I grit my teeth before struggling even more under the weight.

"Not my sister... you bastard!" I growl at him and he looks at me with an insane smile on his face as he slowly walks towards Kessa and Lillian. I wheeze for breath as I crawl towards them and put my hand on Jackhead's leg. He looks down at me before grabbing his sword and stabbing it through my arm. I scream out in pain and writh about in pain as blood starts to ooze out of the wound. A panel pops up in front of me saying the words that I would hate in a situation like this.

‹The Tormentor›
Pain Damping System has been reduced drastically.
70% damping pain as been reduced to 30%.
All players that are attacked by wielder are subjected to this.

I groan and whince as I try to lift my arm but can't. Jackhead moves the sword about and I hiss out before grasping for breath as Jackad takes the sword out of my arm and tears into my stomach with it. I scream out in pain before slamming my fist onto the ground. Jackhead brushes his hands together before walking back towards my little sister and Lillian, who are shaking in fear of this man.

I move my body against my own will as I slowly rise from the ground. Growling in anger and rage I grab hold of the sword's blade as I come to my knees and pull it through my body until its out and I manage to throw it at Jackhead's back. He slowly looks back at me as I manage to get to my feet, he walks towards me before grabbing me by my hair and I grit my teeth before enduring it. The blood around me has stained the snow red as the man chuckles as he watches my face.

I grab his first finger and thumb before pulling them away from each other and I struggle for a moment before snapping the muscles in his hand. He let's go of me as I keep on fighting against the gravity before walking over to him and grabbing his arm, I pull on it until his bones dislocate from his shoulder and he screams out in pain. Sweeping in with a right cross I punch him in the jaw and knock him out, he goes down before I grab my sword and manage to raise it above my head and decapitate him.

He shatters into small pieces like a mirror being smashed and I get a small message from my Menu.

‹You have inherited all of the Inventory from the Player you have killed, including Experience and Money›

«Yuuki Ai»

Skills: Agility=68. Strength=50. Stamina=68. Intelligence=0. Manna=30. Dexterity=12. Vitality=65. Charm=95.
Unused Stat Points:24

Race: Nekomatan.
Class: Pure Swordsman.
Friends: Flow, Saber, Lucy, Luke, Lillian.
Location: Blizzard Mountain, Astria.
Monsters slain:4,392
Players slain: 7
Money Collected: 1,832,952N

My jaw drops as I read my new Stats. "Holy crap. Player killing is overpowered" I murmur to myself as the gravity returns back to 1g instead of 4g's. Kessa and Lillian run towards me as they stop quivering in fear. I look down at what their focus is on to see that my hand is snapped and my stoch has a hole in it, I'm brought down to my knees as the pain slowly creeps back in my body and I groan as it seems hard to breath. Lillian gathers herself up and starts chanting a healing spell on me.

In a few minutes I'm back to normal and I'm practising my hand to make sure it's fine, we stop lounging around and I look back at the town that's on the next mountain I saw before, we start trekking towards it before I look into my Magic Spells Menu as we keep on making our way towards the town.

‹Magic Spells›

«Call of The Wind»
«Lightning's Entrance»
«Jupiter's Wrath»

I click on the «Jupiter's Wrath» to see what it can do. I find that it's a Unique Spell just like my Unique Charm Skill.

«Jupiter's Wrath»

Type of Magic: Gravity Magic.
Rarity: Unique
Manna:-100 out of 100
Cooldown:50 minutes.
Radius: 20m
Effects: When activated can hold a Player or Monster, when User has levelled Manna up to 100 fully it has the G-force of the planet Jupiter and can rip apart Player or Monster.
Lasts: 10 minutes.

I almost trip over reading it after 3 minutes of scanning it over and over again until I get bored of it and turn my attention to the town, which is closer than I expected as we seem to reach the foot of the entrance. We walk through and find that it's bigger than we expected, possibly a their of the size of Reorian Dynasty. Although might seem small Reorian Dynasty is twice the size of New York. So... yeah its big.

I look around to try and find an inn for us to stay in which it seems there are almost none to our surprise. We walk through another crowd as we me searching before coming across this small 2 story building with a sign hanging above it saying Little Moon. I point to it before grabbing Lillian's and Kessa's hands and walking towards it. I open the door before looking around when Kessa drags me towards a counter and an elderly man comes out from behind a curtain.

"Hello. How may I help you?" He asks and Kessa points to the stairs.

"Are you operating as an Inn?" She asks the man who scratches a faint stubble on his chin. It takes him a little while before nodding and waving us towards the stairs. We sigh in relief before going upstairs and going to the closest room to that stairs. I sit down on a bed before taking my coat off and laying down. I almost fall asleep before Lillian jumps next to me and wraps her arms around my chest and snuggles up. I look at up Kessa, who's sitting on the bed that's opposite me with a sleepy look on her face. As I'm about to talk to her she flops onto her bed, asleep with a cute look on her face.

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