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After that man came to collect the children he heard about, life changed for the unfortunate five. Billy was not counted, since they thought him and his double were twins up until the Billys' kept coming. Instead of having to scour  for food in the dumpsters behind restaurants, they were provided with food. The food was limited though and the kids who dominated everyone else got more food than the rest. She gave up most of her food for the boys and had to feed Gizmo sometimes because he couldn't eat by himself.

The headmistress treated her and her friends well, not at first however. Rose had to insist on her being kind, because she did not treat them all the same.

This period didn't last long however, the headmistress as Brother Blood put it; went away for a while. The other students were brainwashed by the new headmaster, but Jinx had powers way beyond his control.

She just didn't know it yet.

To protect herself and her friends, she sealed off her full powers only releasing a tiny bit of it. You see, Jinx had discovered that she was a portal for bad luck. A portal worked both ways, so Jinx absorbed all the bad luck in the area she was in. But this had a negative impact on herself, by absorbing it all, it impacted her life. The pink water that the HIVE studied her in did not turn her eyes and hair pink or made her skin  go from milky white to dingy grey, it was the fact that she chose to absorb everyone's miseries around her.

She seemed selfish to the civilians of the world, who only saw her as a criminal. When really, she's the one who took away the would-be-miserable tales of a person's life. Of course no one would believe her so she didn't bother to try explaining it to anyone. She deserved all the misery she was receiving because she was hopeful for the future.

Instead of showing resistance to Brother Blood's mind control, she went along with all the other students. After all, she didn't want to end up like Headmistress.

The day the HIVE academy was destroyed was a positive and negative thing. One way it was positive, was how the rest of the students could be free from Brother Blood's mind control. Rose thought that after they lost touch with him that he wouldn't be able to control them. She was wrong. When she found them a new hideout, they still had the mentality of a criminal.

Who was she to deny them that? Jinx went along their plans even though she insisted on living a normal life, to get away from the life of crime.

So, here she was clutching her books and looking up at the building in front of her while walking towards the entrance. The boys refused to join her on this mission, they said they had enough of books, waking up in the morning, and annoying civilians who thought they had authority over anyone because they were, "popular."

Her pink hair turned black and her pink eyes were brown.  Since her original race was Korean, she decided to return to her roots. Well, sort of. Jinx asked Gizmo to make her a holographic generator and changed the settings to look like an older version of Linda Rose Park. For her outfit, she didn't want to come in her Jinx costume (obviously). She wore a black crop top, high waisted jeans, and white sneakers. Since her hair was naturally straight, she let it down and it reached the top of her butt. Simple.

Her original name in Korean was, 행운의 여신 which translated to Lady Luck. How ironic. When her and her parents immigrated to America, they changed their names to blend in with the crowd. Making sure there was no one else that went by the name, Linda Park, she enrolled herself in Central City High. It was a few cities away from Jump which meant she would have to wake up extra early to get there and return back to base late, but this didn't bother her at all.

She wanted to experience how it felt like to be a normal girl which sounded really cheesy and cliche but Jinx, no Linda didn't give a damn.

In the movies she watched on the days the boys didn't want to rob banks and such, she would watch movies on her laptop or read books about high school. Every single story was the same. It was centered on one geeky girl who ended up dating the most popular boy in school and changing him for the better.

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