--The beginning of a dangerous journey--

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Ryu has visited Ken for Mel's birthday and now they're both sitting on the couch watching the news....

TV-" Huge panic has been caused by the destruction of a small village in south India. Many people died, got injured and left without house to stay.The cause is still unknown.".

Ken-Unknown cause?

Ryu-It wasn't caused by a fire or cyclone right?


Ryu-Then I might have an idea about what could have caused this.....

Ken-What do you mean?

Ryu-It could be Shadalow or S.I.N....

Ken-You're right! I'll call Chun-Li....



Ken-It's me,Ken.

Chun-Li-Hi Ken!! How are you?

Ken-Fine,thanks...where are you now?

Chun-Li-In my office.

Ken-I got to tell you something important....

Chun-Li-What is it?

Ken-Have you heard about that village...

Chun-Li-What village?

Ken-A village was destroyed, the TV news said that the cause is unknown, but Ryu and I might have an idea about who is responsible....

Chun-Li-Wait, Ryu? Is he with you?


Chun-Li-Well, who do you think is responsible for this...

Ken-Shadalow or S.I.N.....


Ken-What should we do?

Chun-Li-I'll call Guile and Cammy and then I'll call you back.


Chun-Li-Bye! (*beep)

Ryu-What did she say?

Ken-She'll call Guile and Cammy and then she'll call me back....Do you remember the first time we met Chu-Li?

Ryu-I'll never forget that day.

Ken-It was night.We were in a hotel and then Chun-Li came.We rented a helicopter and then we got in trouble!!
(*Street Fighter II V series)


Ken-Ha,ha!That was a great day....

Ryu-Yeah,...then we troubled with Shadalow and things changed.....




Chun-Li-Hello Guile, it's Chun-Li.

Guile-Hello Chun-Li.

Chun-Li-Listen,have you heard about a village wich was destroyed by an unknown cause?


Chun-Li-Ken just called me and he told me that he and Ryu might have an idea about what caused it....

Guile-What do you mean??

Chun-Li-They believe that maybe Shadalow or S.I.N. is responsible....

Guile-We should go there and investigate.

Chun-Li-I'll call Cammy. Bye for now!

Guile-Bye! (*beep)

Cammy and the rest Delta Red are discussing about a yesterday's bank robbery when......



Chun-Li-Hi Cammy, it's Chun-Li!

Cammy-Hi Chun-Li! Listen, I can't talk right now...I'll call you ba....

Chun-Li-I have to tell you something really important!!

Cammy-Ok, wait a sec.....It's important I have to talk....I'll be right outside.....

Keith Wolfman-Ok...

Cammy-Ok now.

Chun-Li-Have you heard about that village.....

Cammy-The destroyed one?


Cammy-Well, I heard about it at the news...something is not right....how could the cause be unknown?....

Chun-Li-That's why I called you. You see Ryu and Ken had a theory...

Cammy-A theory?

Chun-Li-They think that maybe Shadalow or S.I.N. is behind this.

Cammy-That makes sense!

Chun-Li-Guile had an idea...he said that we should go there and investigate. What do you think?

Cammy-That's a good idea.

Chun-Li-Ok then, bye for now!!



Ryu-Ken!Your phone's ringing!!

Ken-I'm coming!!.................Hello?

Chun-Li-It's me again. I told Guile and Cammy.


Chun-Li-How about making a dangerous journey in south India?

Ken-We're in!!

Chun-Li-Ok, I'll buy tickets and tomorrow we're flying to India!!

Ken-Ok,see you tomorrow at the airport!! Bye!!


Ryu-Seem's like we're getting into trouble...again.

Ken-Ha,ha!!!Relax Ryu, see it as vacation!

Ryu-Vacation with you?? No thanks!! I remember the last time I went on vacation with you!!

Ken-Wow, I didn't know you got any sense of humor!!

Ryu-Look's like you don't know me as good as you thought!!

Ken-Hmpphhhhh!!!!!!........Come on pal! Pack your things!!!We're flying for India tomorrow!!

Chapter 1 ends here

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