Chapter 5 - The Girl In The Rain

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I entered the convenience store, out of breath. I sat at a table near the window. Gahd what is it with
me and windows? And not the computer software =_= I guess I just want to relax while witnessing the outside world through a window.

I bought a cup of hot choco and a bun and continued witnessing the thunderous fall of raindrops.

My mind went into deep thinking mode, you know those times when you have nothing to do and you have lots of free time in the world and think about stuff like, "What is life?" Or "Why do we exist?", that is what it was.

I saw a shadow amongst the curtain of rainshowers. From there emerged a soaked female who belonged to a school near ours. Basically my school and her school had developed a reputation of rivalry since then, so I opted not to make eye contact with her.

As she entered the store, she was shivering cold. To make it worse, the store was air-conditioned! I couldn't help myself but to feel sorry and offer her my jacket, I wasn't cold anyways, and my conscience wouldn't let that opportunity to help slip away.

We sat down at my table and I bought her a cup of hot choco too.

"Thanks!", she acknowledged

"Nahh no prob, say, uhmmm, you're from the school near ours right?", I asked

"Depends. What school do you- ohhhhh dayummm! Our school's are rivals! Damnit hahaha", she said whem she saw the school logo on my polo

"What is your name anyway?", I inquired

"Melissa. Melissa Chan.", she said while shaking my hand

"Mark. Mark Anthony Castro.", I said in reply

"You sure are not what I expected from a student from your school. Well, at least not what people in our school describe people from your school. You know, being rivals and all."

"Really? How do they describe us?"

"Bullies, Ingrates, Uncivilized, stuff like that."

"You know what we call persons from your school? Snot-nose rich kid brats! But you sure are not like what we describe you to be."

"Hahahaha! Come to think of it, what if this is all a big misconception? What if this wall of rivalry that separates us is just a curtain that we can push aside?"

I. Was. Mindblown. I mean I have thought of the same thing previously and what she said were the exact same words I said to myself then.

"Yes! Finally someone understands thank God! Hi five!", I said

Then she went silent for a moment and had a serious face. I was nervous as to what will happen next and didn't know what to do. I was like those freeze frames in sitcoms.

She suddenly giggled and responded to my hi five. Pheww, I thought I did something wrong.

"Wait here imma buy something."

I bought a pack of M&Ms and a bottle of water. Then, my phone buzzed. It was a message from an unknown person.

"Hey! So, I just wanted you to know that I had fun today. Thank you for being there with me. Have a safe trip home! "

Woah, its Crystal! How did she- oh wait right, Ben. Oooffff course it had to be Ben. He was the only one in class who knew my number!

"Hahahaha! Thanks. You too!", I replied

I went back to the table and opened that pack of M&Ms.

"Want some?", I asked

"Yes! Thank you!  Those are my favorite ever since I was a little girl."

She showed me a photo from her wallet. It was a photo of her when she was little. She was so damn cute!

"Say, are you half-half? You know like American-Chinese?"

"Yes. I am actually an American-Chinese. I am a foreign exchange student in fact. I'll only be here until the end of the school year and will be moving back to the US."

"So what is a foreign exchange student doing in a convenience store? Not to be rude but shouldn't you be in your car on the way home? "

"Well, today was boring day for me anyway, why not take another way to go back home? I have nothing to do at home anyway since its the first day of school and all. Also, I'm an adventurous girl and I like taking other paths. I am willing to take risks and face the outcomes whether positive or negative. And I can say that this path is a positive and one of the best paths yet. This path led me to the realization of a horrible misconception and of course, a new bestfriend, you!", she acquitted, blushing.

Then, the rain stopped.

"Ok, gotta run! Nice meeting you... Uhmmm... Mark! Nice meeting you Mark!"

"Wait wait wait! Can I get your number? Just to keep in touch."

She pulled out her sleek, humongous, hi-tech phone. She's rich as hell! Much like my best friend, Ben.

We exchanged numbers and bid farewell to each other.

I started walking back home. As I turned down the block, I saw Melissa again. Apparently, our routes are the same. Although her house will come first before mine, I decided to walk her all the way to her house to keep her company.

"Hey! You again. You live around this block?"

"Yes. Around 3 more blocks to go actually."

"I'll just walk with you if its ok, my house is 4 blocks farther than yours anyway."


As we approached her block, I saw a beautiful mansion in the distance. We stopped in front of it.

"Ok, this is my house."

My jaw DROPPED. Holy f*cking sh*t she's rich.

Their family's houskeepers approached her and took her things inside their house.

"Hello Melissa! Your parents have been gone for a while. Let me take your things and I'll bring them inside."

"Would you like to come in? I'm sure its no trouble."

"Now that you mentioned it, I would love to come inside and see."

We entered and WOW. W. O. W. WOW. A grand staircase, plush couches, flat screen TVs, a chandelier, ahhhh I can't say a word. I was so shocked, starstruck, and speechless.

"Wow, thanks for bringing me in here!"

"It's my pleasure, after all, you kept me company up to this point, why not prolong it? Hihihi"

"I guess so."

We sat on the very plush couch and continued chatting. Then, her parents came bolting through the door.

"Melissa! Where have you been? We were worried about you when the driver said that you had already left school.", her mom said

"And who is this guy? Is he the reason why you didn't go with the driver?! Why i'd oughtta...", her dad said

"Relax. He isn't the reason why I left school before the driver got there. I wanted to walk home for a change. By the way, mom, dad, this is Mark. Mark Anthony Castro. My bestfriend.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Chan, nice to meet you!"

"Hello Mark, nice to meet you too.", her mom greeted

"You better not hurt my daughter you understand?! I have the power and the money to ruin your life.", her father whispered while shaking my hand

"Mr. Chan, I don't have the intention to hurt her. I don't. So don't you worry!", I assured

"Well, I must be going now, bye Mr. and Mrs. Chan! Bye Melissa! Thanks for everything!"

I walked the rest of the way home and just dropped in exhaustion on my bed.

*Sigh* what a day that was! I met a cute girl at school and watched a movie with, made friends with a rich kid, new kicks, 350 pesos, and a friend with a combination of my two new friends, with whom I met her parents!

It felt good reminiscing that time, but my heart and mind are still confused. *Sigh*

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