Laundry Baskets & Paper Hearts

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Amber grumbled, her ears pounding from the loud music. "I'd much rather be at practice..." she thought taking a small sip of her drink. She never really cared for the taste of alcohol, but after what she thought she had seen just moments ago, she needed a drink.

"How could a hat just...appear out of nowhere!" the blonde continued closing her eyes just wanting to go back to the dorm where maybe the others had made Ramen.

"OY! Amber!" Key shouted over the music taking the seat beside the tomboy. "Come dance with me!" the eccentric boy whined hugging her arm to his chest.

"Why are you so clingy?"

"I didn't invite you here so that you could mope at the bar." Key huffed folding his arms across his chest, his eyes focusing on the dance floor.

"YA! I am not moping! And how the hell are you not phased by what just happened?"

The appearing's something her mind was not willing to comprehend, and yet Key was fine? "What? What just happened?"The elder asked cocking his head to the side not having a clue in the world. Gripping her head, the blonde let out a small growl. "Are you kidding me? Are you trying to make me crazy? Key! That guy made a freaking snapback appear out of thin air."

"What? When did that happen? All I saw was the really hot blonde help a black haired kid off the ground and run in here. I've been looking for that cutie since we got here have you seen him?"

Amber couldn't believe this, how could he have not noticed anything. " Are you ok? I mean, when was the last time you slept...."

"I am not hallucinating Key. It was right in front of you too!" The pleading look in the girls eyes made Key want to believe her, but in all honesty, when he was so was over the hottie with a body standing outside the club. He had no idea what she ment. "Sorry, love. Well I'ma keep dancing, maybe you should head home." Key said with a weak smile as he turned his attention back to the dance floor, desperate to find that boy.

Amber was glad to have been given his permission, although she really didn't need it to leave. But, she figured she might as well finish up her drink and then find her way home.

"Hey are you ok? Gwenchanhayo?" a strong male voice reached Amber's small ears, causing her to slowly lift her eyes from the bar. Sucking in a deep breath, she lowered her hands from her head. "It's him" she thought her mind flashing back to moments ago.

"Dude do you know how to make a hat? You have to make me one!"

Her deep brown eyes slowly scanned the males face, his square jaw, smooth skin, and perfect features made him quite handsome...that is....if Amber didn't think he was the freaking devil.

"Ugh...hello? Earth to blondie?" the male said with a laugh as the bartender handed him his beer.

Snapping out o it, she waved her hand away from her. "I'm fine...blondie?" she rolled her eyes. As if she hadn't heard that one before. Watching him turn away to look at the dance floor, Amber felt her phone buzzing in her pocket, a heavy sigh passed over her lips. " Shit...." It could have been a few things. It could have been just an app update trying to get her back to playing, it could have been her manager cussing her out for skimping out on practice, could have been one of her many friends trying to just distract themselves from their busy nights.
"What is it?" the male asked eyeing the device in her hand, no doubt wondering if he could make one materialize for himself.

Her eyes scanned the screen finding two notifications. One was from Krystal wondering where the heck she was, they had indeed made ramen for her and it was getting cold. The second was a sports update saying that once again the LA Lakers had lost to the Bulls. Not feeling the need to tell this strange devil boy about practice, she huffed. " The lakers lost again!"

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