For Better Or For Worse

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Okay so, this was a soliloquay I wrote (with help from my amazing James) for English and I thought I might share it :) For the few who may read this, I truely hope you like it :) 

As you can see this is my first upload on here so I'm a little nervous... if you have any critisism or ways I could improve it at all, please tell me :)

Thank you :) 



    I do.

    3 simple letters, 2 little words and 1 big problem.

    The wedding bells chimed singing proclamations of everlasting hope, endless happiness and a beautiful future for my daughter and her new husband. Two young lives united in holy matrimony. Holy hell how that changed.

    She was the perfect child, and I know what you’re thinking; all mothers say that, but she was. She was my friend, my confidant, my daughter and my whole life. From the moment she entered the world I knew we had a connection, kind of like we had met before. It was a bond so unique, so strong and intangible it was unable to be broken.

    Was. So much can change in such little time, time that I've now lost due to this insufferable, mindlessly arrogant pig that seemed to forget what a mother would do for her child and grandchild.

    “To have and to hold,”

    He said those words but he never truly meant them.

    He sure has them all right, he has them captive. He has them keeps like prisoners, but these prisoners have friends in high places that intend on getting them out. I will get them out. He can only hold them for so long until everything falls into place and the prisoner guard must take a truly long and well-deserved break. He can’t hold them forever.

    “For richer, for poorer,”

    They certainly do not need to worry about the money side of things in that family. A marine biologist at the top of his field earns enough to let his whole family live comfortably and save a third world country. He may be rich but money can’t buy you popularity.  

    But why am I so bitter and twisted? He stole them from me – my daughter and my granddaughter. I can’t see them, talk to them or contact them in any way. My daughter has once and he bashed her for disobeying him. The saddest thing is that my granddaughter walked in half way through and he just kept laying into her and when he finished, looked at the little one and said “That's what happens when you do the wrong thing.” And walked away. He and I have had our differences, a few confrontations that ended in one of us walking out, but we always worked it out. But this one argument was just too much for him and he was too stubborn to admit that we were both right in out own ways… so he cut the communication. In return, I will cut his life short.

    “In sickness and in health,”

 They aren’t the ones that are sick… he is. His poison drowns his own heart and drives evil into mine, but that will change soon enough. My hands alone will bring about his downfall.

    Thinking he can take them from me. He may not be the sick one for much longer. I have a plan.

    He is not the only expert about fish in this family.

    How ironic it would be to die by something that you study day in day out. Stonefish. Poisonous at first bite. But how do I of all people get him to eat it, I hear you ask. Ahh see that is where my specialty lies. I will call from a public phone so they don’t know it’s me and then they have to answer, then I will apologise for all my hash words and actions in the past, invite them all over for dinner and serve the fish. But what about the rest of them, you say? I will only give him the fish. But won’t I be the prime suspect? Oh you silly people. On the weekends his crew from work go to the markets and sell some of their fish. He is not particularly liked, but I am. I will also not be suspect then, they will be. I will go and buy three normal filets of herring and one of stonefish.

    “To love and to cherish,”

    Yes, cherish your ability to love. Because that can be taken away in a such a short time, such a short time for you to realize what you'd just eaten, such a short time for your body to seize up and for your hearts frantic beating to slow and fade, until the movement of your limbs is stripped away from you and your mind ceases to subsist. Like a sharp noise slicing through the silence, your existence shall be shattered and torn, until even the noise you hear mutes and the light in your eye dims, until only the cold corpse and miserable memories taste the air that now comforts us in the our reuniting glow.

    “Till death do us part” all right!

    Death will part them for the better. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2013 ⏰

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