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sorry for the delay with updates
i started school ages ago, and started my gcse's (if any of u british lads know what im on about)
and ive had crazy amounts of coursework and homework,
which i had to sit and complete, they were a complete pain in the a$$
enjoy this chapter. i've been adding to this over the past weeks, and am doing my best to make it a good chapter.

hope you enjoy it,

el x

niall james horan
It's Friday, the day I am meeting Mr Styles at the bar.

The time is currently 4pm, and I'm watching TV in my apartment. I want to look good, and formal. Deciding that it wouldn't hurt if I got ready quite early, I switch off the television and go to my bedroom. Looking at myself in my full length mirror, I sigh. Well, this is me. It's all I've got.

Sliding the two doors - to open my wardrobe, I glance inside, looking at my shirts hung on hangers, I spot a white shirt, with a squiggly pattern on. Moving to my drawer and pulling out my most prized pair of black jeans, I smile to myself; I'm quite content with this outfit choice. Slipping into my chosen clothes, I look at myself in the mirror once again, happy with my decision tonight.

Walking out of my bedroom; into my bathroom and looking at my hair that I was too lazy to brush that morning, I add some products, and do my best to style it into a quiff. Finally when I had finished messing about with my hair; that I really need to redye, as my roots are coming through. It looks good enough to me, plus I have to focus on tonight and the article.

It was now 5:30pm, did I really take that long to get ready? Apparently so. I'm meeting Mr Styles at 7, so I should leave at 6, just to make sure I'm there in time. I'm quite precise with my time management, I hate being late to things. To pass time, I should just switch on the TV. I am beyond anxious about meeting Mr Styles. If I am completely honest with you; I find him intimidating and patronizing

I was contemplating how this evening was going to pan out, I mean it can't be as bad as the other day. He's quite the confident chap, so I really don't know.

Bored out of my mind, and this show was not even interesting, I check my watch (yes, I wear a watch, in this day and age, I know!) the time was 5:55pm. No harm in leaving earlier.I'm still new to Las Vegas anyway; knowing me and my idiotic ways, I am bound to get lost!

Picking up my keys and taking one last glance in the mirror, I take a deep breath and stroll over to the door. Turning the handle and letting myself out of my apartment, I go towards the elevator. It seems to take hours to arrive, so I give up and take the stairs down.

Once outside, a cool breeze sweeps my face. It was scorching hot outside right now, but the breeze made the heat bearable. Walking towards my temporary car for the next few months, I clambered in the driver's side and began my journey toward the bar.

Driving around the streets of Las Vegas, I did get lost, multiple times. Took me about 45 minutes to actually find the right place. Trust me, these streets can confuse newbies!

Pulling up outside the bar; and finding myself a decent parking space. I stroll into the bar, and it's not that full surprisingly. It was of a decent size, but I then remembered it was only 6:40pm, not exactly nightlife hour yet. I had also yet to visit a club, maybe I could speak to Liam about that soon.

I sat myself down at the bar and ordered a pint, I didn't want to drink too much of it or get tipsy before Mr Styles got here. Every so often, I take a sip from my beer and pull out my phone. As I pressed the button to unlock it, I noticed the time was 6:55. Obviously it was even the agreed meeting time, but I just hope that he isn't late. He is the owner of a huge law firm, and one of the top lawyers out there.

I had been in a daze for what seemed to be like a long time, as a matter of fact it had only been a few minutes. It was exactly 7pm; the bar doors opened and there he was.

Mr Harry Styles

Dressed in a smart shirt. Very tight jeans clung to his long legs. His eyebrows furrow as he attempts to search for me. His green eyes focused on his target, me. Once he spots me, he smirks and then begins to walk towards me.

"Evening Mr Horan. I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long," he speaks deeply.

"No Mr Styles, I got here too early," I answer him, not wanting to worry him. As I look up from my seat at the bar to where he stands, his eyes notice my pint.

"Started without me?" he chuckles.

"I was thirsty. I hope you don't mind," I smile at him.

"Of course I don't love," he signals at the bartender to come over to him.

"Please could I have a pint of your finest beer?" he politely requests.

"Of course sir," and the bartender quickly fixes Harry a beer. He adds it to his tab, he must come here sometimes.

"I feel bad that you had to pay for your own drink. I was supposed to do that! I always can, it's going to be a long night, and I am very interested to get to know you Mr Horan," he speaks slowly, but with an alluring tone.

"Please Mr Styles, call me Niall," I tell him.

"Okay Niall, tell me more about you," Mr Styles reaches for his drink and hums when the cool liquid hits his lips and smiles.

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