3-Balls and boots

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POV: Ashley

I woke up with my head pounding. All I remember was him and then I forgot about everything else. My vision started to fix when my eyes laid on him. His maple eyes, light chocolate hair, and soft pink lips. I remember those days.


I was running through the fields with him. We were hand in hand. I was wearing a flowing white dress with black designs and black flats. My hair was still brown that time. My eyes laid on him. He wore his favorite black tight fitting shirt and his casual jeans. He was cute. And he still is.

I had to admit, he was pretty good looking for his age.

He handed me a black rose. "It reminded me of you. In a place filled with the same boring people, a beautiful delicate but hardcore girl stumbles upon this," he stopped before holding up a red rose. "handsome boy who wanted to find someone different. And this boy met this girl and until now, they're together. Forever." He ended. I took the black rose and sniffed it a little. I took the rose out of my face and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Our faces inches away, I could feel his breath. And then, our lips touched. It was sweet but passionate.


My memory started to I build up again and- wait, what the fuck am I thinking? Oh right drug.

"You know there are children here." Lizzie protests. "We are not kids." RRG fight back. "You kinda are." Thalia says teaming up with Lizzie. "Speaks the one who still plays with dolls." Gelsey whispers. "Excuse me they're voodoo dolls." Thalia says holding her heart as if she was actually offended. "Tell me where you're hiding you're a voodoo doll cause I can't control myself." Someone hums. Not really sure if those are the right lyrics I mean:

Tell my where your hiding with your voodoo doll cause I can't control myself.


That version.

"Guys, my friend Felicity (A/N: OLICITY IS OTP AND HALLO MAH FELLOW ARROW FANS) tracked down our little suspect. This time, a much more formal approach. He's attending the Creston Masquerade Ball. Another thing is that to get in you need an invitation. It holds a USB and a blood drop from the host. That's a big problem but a little Twin Magic cant fix nothing." Annabeth says holding out bags to the twins.

"It has our newest invention." Phoebe blurts. She looked weird with her glasses on. Her glasses were those glasses that have multiple lenses. "Hypno contacts. Their on clear so no one can figure out. What's also much cooler is that it only stops when you tap your heels, specifically the ones with little buttons under 'em. Do not overuse him or her or she will notice. If this person has contacts or a reflective object it wont bounce back because it can aslso hack into the brain so use wisely." Gelsey instructs.

"How does it go to the brain?" Brie asks. "Neutro Signals. Another new update." Phoebe shrugs. "That makes sense." Nikki points out.

It was hard to tell between them if you're 2 miles away from them but its easy to know who's who if they're 5 inches away from you. Nikki has straight and lighter colored hair while Brie has wavy/straight-ish hair that's a tad bit darker than Nikki's. Nikki is taller than Brie and Nikki has longer and better legs than Brie but Brie has much sharper facial features than Nikki. Lastly, their voices, Brie has a lower voice and Nikki's voice is lighter. All you need is makeup and hair highlighters and you'll be having headaches.

The twins went to the Bathrooms and came out 3 minutes later. They wore short dresses that were tight fitting it reached their knees. They also wore red heels with their hair curled and they decided to go balance on the hair color. Nikki's face also had Brie's sharp features.

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