Chapter 21- Kill Time

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We waited for the fifteen minute mark, to change our location. Staying in one place carried the risk of getting discovered, and our idleness could cause complications later. I trailed close behind Karma. For some reason, I felt unfamiliar with his back view. When he came to sudden halt, I found my face just a few inches away from the nape of his neck, causing me to hold my breath. Quickly, Karma turned around and pushed me down. I saw something slice through the air, barely grazing my forehead. Immediately, we both moved to opposite sides, trying to get out of the enemy's range.

I hid behind a tree, carefully taking a peek. Rio held her gun, pointed upwards, and soon there was no trace of even her shadow. Cold sweat ran down from my hairline, as I thought about when to make a move. Suddenly, there was a rustle from above, forcing me to move out into the open. When I turned to see who it was, I saw that Sugaya was already shot by Kanzaki.

Once our eyes met, I took cover from Kanzaki's merciless shootings, only to realize I turned my back to Rio. Then lowered himself upside down while hanging from a tree and sliced Kanzaki's throat. I took this opportunity to throw my dagger at Rio, who was already taking her aim at me. We dodged each other's attacks, and I charged at her swiftly. Soon enough, I was too close for her to be in a good position to shoot, and shot her in the stomach. Rio fell backwards, wincing.

"Dead," I smiled in triumph. She smiled back bitterly, but with no hard feelings.

"Oi~," Karma called out. "We should get a move on too."

"Okay," I replied. There was something that bothered me a little. Kanzaki showed up alone, but used Sugino's weapons. When I looked at her, she just gave me a smile. I guess they decided to go separately. I felt a bit bad towards Sugino... It was his chance and everything.

Karma lead me out, by taking my hand. I blushed as I felt everyone staring at us. I tried to match my pace with Karma's, but he was going a bit too fast for me. Karma noticed this, and silently lined up his pace with mine.

We were faced with another crisis again. Terasaka, Itona, Yoshida, and Muramatsu were travelling in a group. The two of use laid on our stomachs, observing the group. They seemed to be talking about who to target next, meaning that they already eliminated a pair.

As our eyes followed the group until the end, I turned to Karma, only to be startled. He was only a few centimeters away from my face. I felt myself get flustered, but stayed still in order to avoid attracting attention. Karma seemed to regain his composure, but kept his eyes on me. My face burned from his intent gaze. He leaned in closer with a calm expression, causing me to close my eyes shut. There was a soft, gentle kiss that touched my lips. Karma pulled back slowly, and kept staring with those mellow eyes. I became entranced and anxiously waited for another kiss while blushing furiously. He cupped my cheek and leaned in again, only to be interrupted by the snap of a twig. We both turned to the sound.

It was Karasuma-sensei patrolling the mountain. Behind him was Nagisa. We relaxed, and smiled at each other, still hiding. Karma placed a finger over that innocent smile of his. It made my heart flutter tremendously. As we were waiting for the right moment, I felt something slid against my leg. It startled me so much, I wasn't able to make any sound. When I looked, it was a huge brown snake, poking its tongue in and out. My mouth opened to scream, only to be covered by Karma's hand. It approached me closer. The weight of it, was on my back. Its head was brushing against my face. I strangled the grass, wishing that the snake would pass already. Karma removed his hand from my mouth and placed it on top of my hand. My trembling stopped a little and I managed to calm down. Once the snake passed, Karasuma-sensei and Nagisa were both gone. I sighed in relief and lied on my back, taking deep breaths.

"Do you hate snakes?" Karma asked, surprised.

"No... But if one is that close to me, then... Well..." I closed my eyes, irritated at myself. I should've have been that scared. Karma laid on his side, facing me.

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