Hi Diary,
Today was my birthday! So like I told you I would tell what I got and I got a BIG surprise, 2 actually. I got the Imagine Dragons album YAY, but that's not any of the surprises. I also got 2 puppies AWWW, but to bad I can't take them to Hogwarts, I called them Dina and Tina they were both girls. Those are all the normal presents I got now for the 2 surprises. First, guess what I got the letter from Hogwarts, I'm a little weird so I took the stamp off carefully then put it on a piece of paper. The next surprise was that I got a owl and cat, so now I'm going to take the cat to Hogwarts, so that way the dogs and cat can't fight. I decided to call the cat Tinga and the owl Reid, there just the first names that popped in my head. So in about a week I will be heading to Hogwarts. So for now I need to go get my supplies for Hogwarts so I need three sets of plain works robes (black), One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear, One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar), One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings), a wand, 1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2), 1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2), 1 telescope, 1 set brass scales, I have my cat but you can also have an owl or a toad, and ALOT of spell books. This is all I can write for now but I will take you diary to Hogwarts I promise bye.
Hi again diary, I've got all my stuff packed and all I need to grab is you, I'll write in you on the train. So now I'm off to Hogwarts!