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I FELT her arm slipped through mine. She wore a perfect smile yet as I looked into her eyes I saw no delight. I could almost tell that her eyes reflect mine.

We are both lovers. She loves singing, I love writing songs. I love speaking to people, she loves listening to their tales. She loves to love and I love Love. Before their eyes, we are the perfect lovers. And they are right, we will prove it today.

We are now in front of the altar. Her eyes reflect mine. An understanding passed between us, the two lovers. We have decided to start our walk as lovers. Both of us took a deep breath and for the first time, a genuine smile curved in our lips. I held her hand and she held mine. It felt so good to finally stand for the love we have. I bend my head towards her and whispered the words we have waited for so long.

‘We are lovers, the true and brave ones, right?’ She nodded with a curt smile. I continued, ‘Then let’s start our vows in commitment for the love we have.’ We faced the crowd before us and said the words we have waited for so long.

NOW, here we are again facing each other. What we are now is the result of the love that has been gracefully given to us. We are both blessed to have survived the battles of our love. Our love is perfected not by our own efforts but by the grace of the One who loves us most. And now once again before Him, we will love again.

I looked into her eyes. She has become the happiest bride and once again she reflects what I have become. With that, I said the words we both waited for so long.

‘It is written, now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. And today we have witnessed how great love can be for God is love. And so allow me to say this, with the love that God has given to us, praised Him,’ I smiled brightly and so as she. Finally, I continued,

‘I pronounce these two, man and wife. You may now kiss your bride, best man.’


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