The Terrible Morning

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Sirius Black's POV

I woke up to the smell of tea and coffee coming from the kitchen. Turning over I see Harry curled up in a little ball, snoring quietly. He looked so peaceful, more than he has been in a while. Right then I really wished that I wouldn't have gone after Pettigrew, and stayed to try and get custody of Harry, and being his godfather, I would have probably gotten it. I don't know much about Harry's home life, other than Harry hates them, and they hate him. Also that Harry isn't happy there for some reason, and that gives me the right to automatically hate the Dursley's. Well, enough sad thoughts, I might as well get up and eat something. Getting out of bed slowly, trying not to wake up Harry with the noises the bed makes when you move, I left my bedroom, leaving Harry to sleep. Once getting down to the kitchen, I was that not only was Moly awake, but Remus, looking really tired, and the Weasley twins, Fred and George.

"Goodmorning everyone." I said. I then sat down at the table and began to eat the food that Molly had made for us. I then hear a creak of a door opening, and turn and Harry is coming down the stairs.

Harry Potter's POV

My eyes are so heavy, but I manage to open them. It doesn't look like were I usually sleep, so I look around, and then I remember last night. I had a nightmare, and Sirius let me sleep in here with him. I blush just thinking about Sirius seeing me have a nightmare, because it makes me feel like a little boy. I stretch and look at the clock. It's only 6:45, Sirius isn't usually up until around 9, so I wonder why he is up so early. I open the bedroom door, and creep down the stair, so they don't make a sound and wake someone up. I see Sirius looking at me from the Kitchen table, and I give him a small smile. "Goodmorning Harry!" He says to me, in which I reply, "Morning Sirius, what are you doing up so early?" He just says that he could smell the food and was hungry, but I don't believe him, I must have accidentally rolled and woken him up. I feel bad for have to sleep in his room, and making him lose sleep. "I'm sorry I woke you last night Siri." I tell him. He just smiles at me and says, "It's fine, I will always be there when you need me." When he says that, it makes me think of the time when he was dead, and not back from behind the veil, but I don't say anything.

Sirius POV

I see that look on Harry's face after I said that I would always be there for him. He must be thinking about when I was still in the veil. I feel really bad for saying that, so I just try and change the subject. "So Fred, George, what things have you invented so far?" They then both get the same smirk that James and I used to get when we would think of a prank. "We-" "Made a product-" "That will allow us-" "To skip classes, because it will-" "Do things to us, like for example-" "There is one that will make you throw up-" "And one that will give you a nosebleed-" "FRED! GEORGE! YOU WILL NOT BE SELLING THINGS LIKE THAT! I WILL NOT ALLOW IT!" Molly yelled at them, probably waking everyone, including my dear mums portrait. "BLOOD TRAITORS! HALF BREEDS AND HALF BLOODS IN THE NOBLE HOUSE OF BLACK! YOU ARE NO SON OF MI-" "SHUT UP YOU OLD HAG!!" I yell of her, and send a spell that closes the curtain around her portrait. This was going to one long day.

Sorry for taking so long to update more, hope you liked this new chapter, please comment!

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