Chasing Cars (23)

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chapter twenty three

movies and traffic

"Um, Natural History Museum, please." I said to the taxi driver. I was completely lost in New York and I was behaving a little paranoid.

"You're not from here, are you?" The taxi driver asked and I gave him a shy smile. He looked nice, but, what if he was being nice and then he kidnapped me and killed me? I guess I watch too much detective shows, "What part of England are you from?"

"Uhm, Oxford. How can you stay so calm in the middle of the traffic?" There were a bunch of taxis and the traffic didn't seem to move anywhere.

"I guess you get used to." I heard all his chattering in the two hours we spent stuck in the traffic, "All thanks to a fucking movie." He muttered and I looked at him.

"A movie?"

"Oh yeah, my son loves those movies, they're filming a few streets from here, but it's affecting the traffic no matter what they do." My arse was aching as I had spent two long hours sitting without moving in the back of that taxi.

"And what movie is it about?" I pulled out a bottle of water from my bag and took a sip.

"This superhero movie with Ironman, the redhead woman and the guy with the hammer." I spat my water, "Careful, honey." I coughed and cleared my throat.

"Thor?" He hummed an answer, "And, what about...what about Loki?"

"I think he's in the movie as well, I've seen that guy on posters and all that stuff." Tom was in New York! But that wouldn't help anyway, I couldn't go on set just like: hey, I'm Tom Hiddleston's friend!

I just couldn't do that, I didn't even know if he considered me his friend, I didn't know if he'd like to see me. Tom didn't answer my voicemail, so that made me feel worse and think worse things.

The taxi driver dropped me off in front of the museum. I was carrying one handbag and my suitcase as I had to be at the museum at ten in the morning and I couldn't even go to the hotel and leave my luggage, thank goodness my flight arrived on time and the taxi as well. It was half past nine I still had time. Then, I was planning to spend the rest of the day sleeping. I was completely jet lagged.

I got in the museum and looked for the director's office. I had to sign up for the next two weeks in which I was going to work as part of the museum personnel.

And the idea didn't stop banging my head.

Perhaps I should go, or I should call at least...Nah, he's not gonna answer Nic, he's too "busy" that he can't even get a fucking call...But what if? Just what if? I can go to the place or at least try to get in there...Good Nicole, that'd be perfect! And you'd spent your first day at prison for intruding into a movie set, why don't you think of something better? He doesn't even want to see your pathetic ars-

"Miss Oakley!" I turned around to the woman calling my name, "I'm Stephanie Carter, the museum director, it's a pleasure to meet you, dear." Well, she was nice. We shook hands.

"Yes, it's a pleasure. The place is amazing." We walked to her office.

"Did you have a nice flight?" She asked.

"Yes, well, a couple of turbulences, but it was okay." I signed up and Stephanie walked me to my work area and apparently I was going to have company, I thought I was going to work alone.

I left the museum and headed to my hotel. I took a bath and battled with myself and my thoughts. I couldn't go and meet him for God's sake! I had to be strong.

But my body was in some sort of auto-pilot, I grabbed clean clothes, I made my makeup again and got in that lift and stopped a taxi.

I was already in the back of the taxi, "I can't take you there babe, the streets are closed." This man with a huge beard said.

"I'm sorry?" I chuckled, "You have to understand, I need to get there." He shook his head.

"Sorry babe." I raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry?" I was fatigued and irritable, I was jet lagged, I was psychologically unstable to take a no as an answer, "Listen to me, you, piece of, person, you're gonna take me to the nearest street then!"

"You look cute when you're angry."

"Just do it!" At least he drove to the nearest street. I got in a café and pulled out my phone, ready to call him. It was three in the afternoon.


Scroll down.

Scroll down.

Tom Hiddleston.


And I waited, "You have reached Tom's voicemail, I cannot attend your call at the moment, but I'll get back to you as soon as-"

"Oh, shut up!" I hung up and threw my phone onto the table. I grabbed it again and thrust it into my bag, I stood up and left the shop, making my way to the set. I found the blocked streets and I saw several police officers and people, maybe the extras. So, I pretended to be one of them. Obviously they were not filming as everyone was just sitting on the street, chatting, or eating. Lunch break, perhaps?

Anyway, I kept walking around and I found a trailer, the makeup trailer and I began to freak out when I saw Scarlett Johannson coming out of it, "Stay calm Nic, you can do this. What did you expect? This is a movie set, you're gonna find famous people...oh dear lord!" I had to cover my mouth when I saw Robert Downey Jr. I cleared my throat and walked closer with the hope of staying calm and manage to get the words out of me and ask to any of them where I could find Tom, but Robert and Scarlett began to walk away.

"Miss, the extras cannot be here." A tall man said to me.

"Oh, I just needed to-"

"Miss, I'm gonna ask you to leave." He said.


"I know her!" A male voice interrupted me and I got paralysed when I saw this man walking towards me.


So, who do you think was this 'male voice'? What do you think will be Tom's reaction? Leave your thoughts! Thanks to all of you who's reading this story and leaving such lovely comments and voting! I appreciate it so much.

Love, Liz.

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