Day Off School

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Jade POV

Me, Aji, D'carlo, and Jodey was at McDonalds. We was talking about how school was yesterday. I said," My day was nice, except she ain't pay a nigga no attention." I said looking at Jodey. She laughed and said," Nigga I was tired, but iloveyou." I look like yea right. Then I got a call from my manager. I put it on speaker phone.

Phone Call Convo...

Manager: Hey girl I got good news and bad news

Me: What's the good news

Manager: You have a big offer to be in a movie

Me: Koo so what's the bad news

Manager: You have to leave your family again

Me: I just came back thou

Manager: Its either now or never

Me: I said alrite ima think about it.

Manager: I have to know your answer tomorrow.

I just hung up. Everybody looked sad. I didn't know what to say. Aji said," Ain't no thinking yhu gotta stay we've missed yhu!" Jodey said," I hate not being around you I miss yhu too much... Please don't go I'm begging yhu!" A tear fell eye. D'carlo  said wiping my tear," I don't either I'm just getting to know yhu beautiful!" I love my family too much to leave. I was surprised that D'carlo  would miss me. Everybody was staring at me. I said slowly," I could never leave y'all I love y'all way too much. Everybody smiled but Aji said," But who yhu love the most??" I just looked away. There's no way I'm bout to say who and somebody feel played. We decided to go to the mall. When we got there. The first store we went to was footlocker. Me and Dcarlo got the same shoe. Jodey and Aji got the same color. They Relationship Goals lol.

1hour later.......

We walked to the food court and found a seat," Wat y'all wanna eat peoples??" I said. I looked back and and saw Rasin Canes. "How bout Rasin Canes?" Everybody agreed. I told Jodey what I wanted and Aji told D'carlo what he wanted. Me and Dcarlo found a seat and sat down. "I gotta question!" He said staring at me. I never looked up. "Wassup?" I finally looked up and he was in my face. I back up," Why so close?" I was nervous cause he looked serious. " I'm good person right?" I nodded and said "Why yhu asked?" He got closer and said," Good enough for yhu?" I nodded. He looked in my eyes. Then back up and said," So yhu know yhu my baby right?" I blushed and said," And yhu my future" He smirked and said," Why it gotta be future?? Why it can't be present??" Jodey came out ta now where and said," Just go out already!!" Aji agreed and said," Fr stalling and shit!" I laughed and said," And when y'all gonna go out talking bout me??" Aji put his arm over Jodey and said," Whatchu mean this been bae!!" I shut up and was smiling at her. Ion think she knew he was gon do that. Jodey laughed and said," Fr so...y'all go out or just got stare at each other til' ya fucking eyes fall out." Dcarlo  laughed and said," Fuck It she's mines!" I got close to him and said," Wassup Bae?" D'carlo said," Looka all that's just too cute!" He pushed me closer to him and everybody at they food. I cant believe me and my sister got a bf on the same damn day. Everybody got in the car and went to my house. My sister and Aji went inside and Me and Dcarlo stayed outside," So yhu my girlfriend yhu know we ain't Neva breaking up right!" He said sitting on the car. I came close to him and said," Of course!" He leaned in and we began to kiss. We kissed for like two minutes until we were interrupted by my father," Not too much on my Princess boy!!" He jumped quit. I said," Daddy this my boyfriend Dcarlo" he said,"Boyfriend??" I got nervous cause I didn't know how he was gonna ask,"H-Hello sir my Dcarlo I will take care of your daughter!" He looked for a little while and said," Ok...but if you don't then you gonna answer yhu understand young man?" He said looking very serious. Dcarlo nodded and walked inside. Dcarlo held his heart and said," Oh my gawd, Yo daddy scare me!!" I laughed and said," Poor baby!!" I kissed him one last time and he went home. He yelled," Call me tomorrow lah girl!" I smiled and walked inside and saw my sister and brudda looking scared.

Jodey POV

My daddy just scared the fuck outta me. He popped in on me and Aji kissin. Gave us a inspirational speech and everything. Aji hugged me and my sister quick and left. "What happened here?" I took a deep breath and said," Daddy walked on us kiss in!" She laughed and said," Mee too girl come one let's go to sleep."
Today was a good day. Time for school tomorrow can't wait..

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