Ch.1 16 Finally!!

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A/N: New story I hope you enjoy!! The picture at the top is what she looks like and what she is wearing.

Rukio  POV
The sound of bullets being fired was faintly heard in the distance. I was surrounded by the rubble of  buildings, the air carried the stench of smoke. I turned to where I heard gun shots. Across a large stretch of water was a city being burned to the ground. As I stared in fear at the horrific site someone called out " Rukio!!!"
Rukio POV
"Rukio!!!!" I woke up in a rush and found myself falling out of my bed onto the hard floor.  " owe owe owe." I stood up in pain and rubbed my nose then I looked at the clock. I SLEPT IN!! I ran around my room gathering everything I needed for school. I quickly put on my clothes and grabbed my bag and ran down stairs.

I grabbed a piece of toast and began running out the door while saying "Bye dad love you!!" I closed the door behind me and began sprinting to school. I took the short cut that I usually take when I'm going to be late. I turned down an alley way climbed over a fence and kept running I then just had a wall to jump over.

I jumped it and I... I landed on someone!! I quickly got up and bowed and apologized. I then heard a familiar voice say " Gosh Rukio. Why are you in such a hurry?" I stopped bowing and looked up it was my childhood friend, Josh. I said " What are you talking about we are going to be late for school!???!!!"

He laughed " Rukio!! You amuse me so much." I pouted and said angrily " What are you going on about?" He stopped laughing and said " I just got done with baseball practice so if anything your early to school." I had a blank expression on my face. I then furrowed my eyebrows " My dad reset my clock so I wouldn't be late for school. " Josh laughed then said " Anyway birthday girl I got you something." I said " What is it? What is it?"

He laughed and said " Your such a kid." I ignored his remark and waited to see what he got me. He pulled out a box and got on one knee he the opened it. I then joked " Omg yes I will Romeo!!" We both laughed and he got up off the ground, It was actually a locket. He put it around my neck for me and I looked at it. It was beautiful, it was silver and had little sapphires spelling my name on the front. It also had something engraved on it on the back. It said " Both big dreams and small are important. From Josh, to Rukio."

I smiled and said " Thank you!! This must have cost a fortune, how much was it I'll pay you back every last cent." He said " No, no need to its your birthday." I tried to argue " But..." He said " Your so stubborn. It's no big deal and even if you try to pay me back I won't take it." He then smiled at me and I finally gave up. We began walking to our first class.

He asked " Hey what happened?" And pointed to my nose where there was a scratch. I said " I..fell out of bed." He started to laugh, he was getting a kick out of it. I then protested " It wasn't my fault my dad yelled for me and I freaked out." He said " Ok at least let me look at it." He stopped and inspected it. He said " It doesn't look to bad but it might scar." 

We continued walking and he asked " Why were you freaked out?" I responded " I had a really weird dream." He gave me a look like he wanted me to tell him. I continued " I was surrounded by rubble and there were shots being fired and there was also a city being engulfed in flames."

I looked at him and he had a shocked expression and looked a little pale. I asked " Are you ok?" He answered " Yeah just I didn't have breakfast and I don't feel ok." I stopped and said " Here." I handed him some of my food that was in my back pack. We were almost to our class now.

He began to eat the apple I gave him. He said " A weird dream." I said " Yeah. Anyway your coming to my house after school right? To help prepare for the party?" He said " Yeah. Is the rest of the gang gonna be there to?" I said " yeah."

We finally got to our first hour class not many people where there because it was still early and the teacher wasn't there. But there were a few I could easily spot out of the few people in there. Josh and I said " Hey Hannah, Hey Isaac."

The small, wavy haired girl who was skipping around the room turned around. She yelled " Rukio!!" And ran over and hugged me. She said " Omg your here early for once!! and also Happy Birthday!!!!"  I said " Thanks Hannah."

The boy who was sitting by a window scratching a cat behind the ears looked up from the cat and said " Hey whats up Josh. Happy birthday Rukio." Isaac then got up from his seat and did his signature  handshake with Josh. He then walked over to me and gave me a hug. He then said " I know you want your present now but your not getting My present or Hannah's until later."

I pouted " Why not?" he replied " Because." We all sat down in our seat that were next to each other. Josh then said " I got to talk to Isaac real quick?" I asked " Why can't Hannah and I hear?" He then responded with a smirk " Guy talk." then him and Josh left out of the classroom. I turned to Hannah and she smiled I said " Guys am I right?" she laughed out " Yeah."

Time skip~
After school

Rukio POV

I waved my hand goodbye to Hannah and Isaac and yelled " Remember do your homework then head over!!! Don't be late!!" Josh and I turned and began walking to my house. When we got there I opened the door and let him in. I put my stuff down and had him sit at the table. I said " You go ahead and get started with the homework I'm going to make myself a quick snack."

Time skip~
Rukio POV
After what seemed liked hours of homework we finally finished. I pointed to a couple of grocery bags. I said " You start decorating with that and I'm going to go run out and get everything else." He asked as I was putting on my shoes " Are you going alone?" I said " No Hannah is meeting me there. Isaac will be here soon to help you set up. I'll be back soon."

With that I closed the door and headed to the store where Hannah and I where going to pick up the rest of the supplies for my party. The store was called Toka's party planner store. All of the supplies where ready to pick up. As I walked I thought this is going to be an amazing party.

A/N: Hey everyone I'm sorry about deleting my first book. I just couldn't get into it and I couldn't think of ideas. But for this book I wrote down all my ideas and seeing this book out to the end. Anyways I hope you enjoy and this book is going to get very interesting.

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