Chapter One

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Shayla's POV

I was walking out of Point University to my car, when all of a sudden, I see people running from central New York (since I was in New York and I wasn't far from New York City). I put my stuff in the trunk of my car and I follow the flow of people. But, instead of running away, I went towards the commotion.

When I got there, what I saw scared me to death. I saw these weird looking creatures walking around chasing and shooting civilians. I was backing up to run the other way, when I ran into someone or something. I turned around and saw one of those aliens behind me. Before I could run, however, it grabbed my arm and held a bomb looking thing in its other hand.

"Let her go," yelled somebody in a British accent.

When I looked back to the front, I saw a man in armor with a red cape on him. The creature just tightened its grip on my arm, causing me to yelp in pain. Then, from behind the man in weird clothing, came another man dressed in red, white and blue. He had a shield on his right arm that had a big white in the middle with red and blue circle strips surrounding it.

He then threw the shield and hit the creature right in the face, efficiently making the thing let go of me. I then ran over to the man in armor's arms, immediately feeling safe in his embrace.

"Are you alright my Lady," he asked me.

"Yes, I'm alright," I said "Thank you two for saving me."

"No problem ma'am," said the man in blue "my name is Captain America and the man you are holding onto is Thor."

I pulled away from Thor and he knelt down, took my hand and kissed the back of my hand. I blushed an insane amount of red.

"May we have the pleasure of knowing your name my Lady," Thor asked.

"My name is Shayla," I replied.

"Well, Lady Shayla," Thor began "you need to flee for you are in danger here."

"But," I began "the exit is blocked. I can't get through."

"Thor," Cap said "take her up to Stark Tower and leave her there. J.A.R.V.I.S. will keep her safe from the Chitauri AND Loki."

"Alright," Thor replied. He turned to me and said "Come here Lady Shayla. We will fly to Stark Tower."

I went over to him like he asked and held onto him. I said "How are we going to-"

I couldn't finish my sentence because we had shot up into the air and were heading to the tower.

When we landed, Thor escorted me inside and told J.A.R.V.I.S. to look after me. As he was leaving, I shout out "Be careful Thor! I can't stand losing a friend I just made!"

"I will make sure to be more careful Lady Shayla," he boomed a reply back.

After that, he left flying off into the sky.

A little while later, I heard this commotion coming from the room that leads to the balcony. Once I got to the opening, J.A.R.V.I.S. put up some kind of force field to stop me from moving forward. What I saw made me gasp. I saw a man lying on the floor all bruised up.

"J.A.R.V.I.S. pull down whatever you just pulled up. He's hurt," I said to the computer.

"I am sorry Miss Shayla. I cannot do that," he said.

"Why," I asked him.

"Because he is dangerous," he replied.

During our conversation, the man on the floor had gotten up and was heading my way. Once he got there, he tried going through the door to get to me with some kind of scepter in his hand. Except, he bounced back a little.

"You infernal computer," he began "put down the force field or I will have to use force."

"Run away Miss Shayla. I don't think I can hold him much longer," J.A.R.V.I.S. said to me.

That's exactly what I did. I ran and hid in a closet of some kind. A few seconds later, I heard what sounded like glass breaking and footsteps heading in my direction. They were getting closer.

The man then said "I know you're here somewhere little girl. Come out, come out wherever you are." I saw a shadow stop in front of the door I was behind. I held my breath for a second or two before the door was swung open.

There in front of me stood the man that looked like he wanted to kill me.

"Well, well," he started, leaning down and grabbed my arm pulling me up and out of the closet "here you are. I hope you don't mind me using you to get to the Avengers. Even if you did mind, I would have used you anyway."

Then he wrapped one arm around my torso, while his scepter disappeared, and used that hand to cover my mouth. He began dragging me out to the balcony where a group of people stood. Once we came into view, they all got into fighting stances.

"Let Lady Shayla go Loki," Thor said "She has nothing to do with any of this."

"Oh, but she does Brother," the one now named Loki said "for you were the one to bring her up here. If you do not give give New York to me, then I will make her suffer your wrong choice. By that I mean, I will slowly torture her until she dies a painful death."

I squeaked in reply to his harsh words and was wiggling around in his grasp, trying to get away.

"Stop squirming you pitiful human," he venomously into my ear.

After what seemed like forever, Loki spoke.

"Well," he began "it seems you have made your choice. I will now take my leave with this human girl. Good-bye."

However, that is not what you had in mind. Before he disappeared with me, I viciously twisted his arm like I was taught in my self-defense classes. With that done, I got out of his grip and ran towards Cap's open arms. When I got into his embrace, his arms immediately wrapped around my fragile body while everyone else got in front of us.

"No worries," Loki began "I will just come back for her another time. Good-bye for now Avengers. Just wait Little Shayla, I will come back for you."

With that, he disappeared into thin air the others visibly relaxed as he disappeared. They all turned around and looked at me worriedly.

The one in the red and gold suit, which I'm guessing is Ironman, said "I think you are going to have to stay with us sweetheart. Will that be alright with you?"

"Kind of," I replied.

"What do you mean 'kind of'," Ironman asked.

"I still have to go to school," I stated "although it isn't that far from here. I go to Point University just down the street."

Falling In Love With The God of Mischief and LiesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin