Chanter 1

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-Adrianna's POV-

"Wait 'til you're announced. We've not yet lost all our graces." Lordes' voice danced from my phone into my ears. I hastily jumped out of bed, trudged to my closet and picked out some black ripped shorts. See, the thing is, they aren't ripped for fashion. My mom doesn't have much money so I've had these shorts for 3 years now. I grabbed a basic black tshirt and one of my brothers old flannels and walked over to my dresser. Pulling out a matching set of blue panties a bra, I walked to the bathroom. Of course the door was locked. It's just me an mom so we live in a 2 bedroom apartment with a kitchen, bathroom and sitting room.

"MOM! Are you almost out? I need to shower before going to the shit hole." I said, pounding on the door. My mom stepped out, blonde hair glowing and blue eyes shining. My mom was gorgeous. I so don't understand how I ended up with dark brown hair and dark grey eyes.

"Yes, yes I am." she said, giving me a slight smack on the jaw, "And watch your damn mouth, little girl."

"I'm almost 18 Mom!" I yelled, peeking my head out the door, seeing her flipping me off and walking towards the kitchen. I chuckled and shut the door, locking it. Slipping my underwear and tank off, I let my messy bun down and my messy mop fell to right above my bum. I turned on the water and let it warm up. As I was pulling a towel out of the cupboard, I heard my phone chime. Running over to it, I saw it was a twitter post from Falling In Reverse. Their music is the only thing keeping me going nowadays. Shaking my head, trying to push away the thoughts that I knew were about to come, I hopped in the shower.

"Like a small boat, on the ocean," I started to sing, as I washed the shampoo out of my hair. I repeated the motions with my conditioner. Once my hair was shiny and clean, I scrubbed my body, as if I was trying to scrub my stress away. I rinsed off and hopped out, turning the water off. Quickly, I checked the time, 20 minutes and I need to leave. I whipped out my toothbrush and toothpaste, brushing my teeth, I dryed my hair the best I could with my towel and tossed it in the hamper. Once I was done brushing and getting dressed, I threw my hair into a ponytail and walked back to my room. Slipping my feet into some black combat boots, and grabbing my bag, I ran into the kitchen. I grabbed a banana and kissed my mom on the forehead.

"Love you Mom!" I said walking to the door.

"Adrianna?" she said.

"Yes mom?"

"Please eat that banana... I know you've been throwing your breakfast away in the lobby." she said, looking at me with caring eyes.

I hesitated for a minute before answering, I know she's just trying to help me. "Okay." I finaly said, walking out the door and running out of the building. I felt a tear slip down my cheek as I threw the food on the ground. Running foward, wiping the tears, I see the school. I dry my face and walk through the front doors. I checked the time, 6:15am an hour before school starts. I walked into the library and again, same as every day. The most popular girl ever, Samantha was sitting in the exact spot as she is every day. I walk to the corner of the room, across from her and sit down, pulling out my books and homework. I start working on my homework and I plug one headphone in and continue to work. 40 minutes later as I was putting my books away, I see Sam stand up and sit down at my table. I looked at her and she was staring at me with a smirk.

"Uhm, can I help you?" I said, as polietly as i could.

"I know you were crying when you came in, I don't like seeing you sad. Is there something you need to talk about?" she said, her face sinking a little bit. My eyes widened. She was stunning. I never realized before but, the way her bright red hair layed straightly on her shoulders, and her hypnotizing green eyes. And just her face, her everything is amazing. I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Uh-Uhm, N-no, I'm-m fin-e," I stuttered out, standing up with my bookbag and running to the bathrooms. Once in there, I slid down the wall, dropping my bag at my feet. Tears started to fall down my cheeks again.


"Mommy! Can I go play in my room?" I looked up at my mom.

"Yeah." She said, keeping her eyes on the TV.

8 year old me, ran to my room and started playing with my barbies. I was laughing and having so much fun, but my smile fell and my toys landed on the ground as I heard the door slam shut.

"Stupid bitc-h," I heard my step dad slurr as he drunkingly came in the house. "Where's the little girl," he asked. I ran to my bed, and hid under the covers as I heard his steps approaching my pink door.

"AHHH!" I screamed, as he picked me up and pulled my dress up and-


I was shooken from my thoughts by a soothing voice.

"Babe, babe. Adrianna. Snap out of it." I heard Samantha saying. I stod up, fixing my outfit and grabbing my bag.

"Number 1, don't call me babe. And number 2, I don't need your help, I'm completely fine on my own." I said, fixing my hair.

She smirked, "Yes, ma'am." I started to walk out of the bathroom and she said, "Oh yeah, by the way babe. Nice blue undies," pointing at my bum. I hastily pulled my flannel down and walked out, heading to class.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2015 ⏰

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