Chapter 1

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Natalie's P.O.V

" Natatlieeee!"

I sighed. That was Riley's voice.  My best friend's voice. Someone I should have looked forward to seeing. Someone whom I should not have dreaded the sight of. But, ever since the incident, I was no longer that outgoing girl who talked non-stop. I was now a girl who stayed low. I hung in the shadows as every time I mustered up my courage to go out into the open, I was laughed at, looked at, like I was the ugliest thing on earth. Everyone knew how small fry me was dumped for high school sweetheart Brooklyn Ross. Dumped by my swim captain, hottie ex-boyfriend, Luke Miller.

I wanted to shove all my books immediately into my locker and run off, so I wouldn't have to face Riley. Wouldn't have to lie to her that I was okay. Wouldn't have to lie that I no longer had any time for her. Miraculously, I managed to not chicken out. I gripped my locker door to support myself, taking deep breaths. I chanted in my head. My heart was pounding hard against my chest. I didn't need this.

"Nat! Nat! Nat!'' I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was an over enthusiastic Riley jumping up and down. Oh Oh, this is not good. She's either one, really excited about something, two, has come up with a master evil plan or three, really high on caffeine.  I would say option one. I wanted this to be over with so I could go home and escape to the safety of my room. So, the old Natalie Ramirez, who apparently was still somewhere out there, spoke up.

"Calm down Riley! Tell me, what's going on?''

Riley took a couple of deep breaths  to steady herself and, in her usual way too fast paced tone, blurted out. "I'm having my birthday party this Sunday. At the beach. And, I would love for best friend to come. Actually, not love, needs to be there. And, don't you dare say that you have something on. I've checked with your mom, she says that you're free this Sunday."

My first thoughts when hearing this, was thanks mom, really helpful you were. But, my mind quickly came back to reality. Beach party, people, have to socialise, single. NO NO NO NO!  I didn't need this. What have I ever done to you Riley? Can't you spare me an embarrassing death?

Riley looked down on the ground for a while, opening her mouth, wanting to say something but always ended up closing it again. Finally, she looked back up sheepishly at me and let out the full truth.

"Um...Natalie, um, there is actually one more thing that I should tell you... I like, kinda invited the whole grade and nobody has said that they couldn't make it so, it's quite a big affair...''

I swear my heart literally just stopped beating right there at that very second. There is only so much a girl can take you know? "'' I stammered out. Riley simply just shrugged her shoulders. "Um...yeah. Is there anything wrong with that?''

Oh, there was a lot of things wrong with that. Firstly, everyone knew MY situation. Everyone knew that I could no longer lift my head up high. Everyone knew that despite me being friends with Riley Adams, I was still a nobody thanks to that 'wonderful', 'amazing' exchange student, Brooklyn Ross. Who, in a flash, stole the heart of MY boyfriend who WAS MY property. And, for me to go and stand in front of a crowd like that? No way.

Riley was getting obviously getting impatient with me, but she had to play it nice to try and convince me to crawl out of my little dark hole. "So, you coming? Pretty please? I know you always seem to have something on on Saturday so I shifted the party from Saturday to Sunday, just so you can attend. Come on Nat! We hardly spend any time with each other anymore! You're mom already said that you have nothing on on Sunday! No excuses. Please?''

I sighed heavily. I was caught in a trap. I can't do or say anything now to try and squeeze myself out of this one. The best option was the worse option, to give in. And, I really really did not want that. But, I guess it was only a few hours. How bad could it be? I was just about to agree when Riley cut me in.

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