dont worry

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(The art isn't mine, but I colored it in XD) (also, sorry for hold on the update. I has school. ;-; )

Two weeks later:

Jack woke up, next to him was his boyfriend. Sound asleep he was, and jack loved the way he looked in his sleep. So peaceful, so calm. He was so sad, to know that today, was their last day together. Until the fall at least. Tomorrow was the day they had to leave for their flight. But they had to get up really early.

He quietly shed a tear, and kissed the man he loved so dearly. Mark woke up and saw Jack with glossy eyes, and a tear down his cheek. He said nothing, but wipe it away, and kissed him.

"Its gonna be okay.". Mark gave him a sad smile.

"I'm just afraid you'll leave and never come back."

Mark sat up, and pulled Jack up with him, hugging him tightly. "Why would you ever think of such a thing?"

Jack looked up at Mark, and shed more tears. "Because everyone else just says goodbye.... But never bothers to try and say hello.... I'm always just alone, and your the one that made me the happiest... And I'd be the saddest to see you go."

Mark kissed jack, and hugged him, trying to calm him down. Jack was breathing steadily, as Mark was calmly saying "shhhh. Shh sh. It's okay .... I'm never going to leave you forever.... Your the one I want to be with... I never want to let go.."

Jack had fully calmed down. Breathing normally, and had tear stained cheeks. Mark wiped then away, and they kissed once again. This time, a tear on Mark's face.

"I never want to let you go" he said, with a smile, but a teary eyed smile. So happy to be with somebody as amazing, and beautiful as Jack, and so sad to have to be separated from him.

Jack wiped away his tear, and smiled at him. "Its going to be okay... I promise."

(Time skip: that evening)

The wind was blowing on the couple's face. Both of them holding hands, and had wonder in their eyes.

The two looked at each other, not a word was said for a while, as they where admiring each other, in the light if the sunset, and wind blowing in their hair, as the ocean waves moved peacefully, with great matter.
They didn't speak. Then Mark gave Jack a smile. And Jack returned the favor. Mark let go of Jack's hand, and took off his shirt.

The other man had took off his shirt as well, and as he went to grab Marks hand, Mark had picked him up, and started running to the water. "Ahh! Mark! Put me down!" Jack was bursting out laughter. Mark was running in the water, and when they where deep enough in, he had the other man clinging for dear life onto him. "Hold your breath! I'm gonna throw ya!" "No! Mark!" Jack was laughing, but quickly took a deep breath.

The water was cool, but not too cold. Mark had grabbed jack from under the water, and kissed him. It was beautiful. They where under water for what seemed like minutes. But it was only about half a minute. They both came up for air, and breathed heavily.

"I love you Mark..."
"I love you too Jack.."

They smiled, and for the rest of the evening, they where swimming, and having a great time. They had started to get cold, and decided it was time to head back.

As they walked home, Jack had shivered, and Mark wrapped a towel around him. They walked home, to all the packed bags. And the empty looking room. They wanted to spend any moment they could together.

"I'm going to take a shower. I'll leave it open if you need anything." Jack had said with a wink. Mark giggled and bit his lip, but jack didn't see.

Jack had turned on the water, the room beginning to steam up. The mirrors covered, and the air thick with warmth. Jack heard footsteps coming from the hall. He had already gotten in the shower, and sat down, as he let the hot water run down his back, and neck, relaxing him, and making him feel at peace.

He heard a knock at the door, although it was open.

"Jack?" He heard, followed by a sound of pants being dropped on the floor.

"Yeah? Need something bab?"

Mark stepped in the shower, sitting behind jack, and he wrapped his arms around jacks neck, leaning on his shoulder, and kissing him.

"Nothing in particular. Just you" Jack blushed and held onto Marks hanging hands, holding them. Mark then started to run his fingers through Jack's wet hair, and toyed with it. Making goofy hairstyles, and giggling. Jack then turned around, and squished marks face, and kissed him on the lips. "Look at you, ye cutie." Mark blushed, and did the same to Jack, and they laughed.

"I love you dork." Mark said as he began to kiss jack, very passionately.

"I love you too."


The two where woken up by an alarm clock, setting off in the early hours of the morning. 4 am, and they needed to be at the airport by 6. They got dressed. Mark in his red flannel, a T-shirt, and some jeans. Jack had worn his sweater, and some skinny jeans, along with his cap he called his boss hat.

They got all their stuff, and called a taxi. The ride to the airport was along way. About half an hour. The two, snuggled close, in their last couple of hours till they had to leave.

The sun slowly rising, and the closer they got to their destination.

They got off, paid the taxi, and walked inside. Mark looked at his ticket. "Five minutes. Its going by too quickly." He said, sadly.

"Jack, this summer. . was truly, and honestly, the very best one, I've ever had in my life. You have made my world, so much brighter. And so much better."

4 minutes

"I don't have nearly enough time... To explain, how important you are to me." They hug tightly. Almost in tears.

3 minutes

"I could write a million books, and all the pages that fill them, wouldn't come close to how much you mean to me."

They kiss. And Mark begins to take off his flannel, tying it around Jack's waist. Jack puts his hat on Marks head. And they have a long passionate kiss.

2 minutes

1 minute

"Now boarding flight to LA"

They hug tightly, and kiss once more. Mark, wiping tears from Jack's eyes, and Jack doing the same.

"I love you"

"I love you"

Marks hands slowly slip from Jack's. And like that, he was gone.

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