+ Chapter 1 + Escape +

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Emerald's pov;

I stared at myself in the mirror I looked just like my mother I remember when the pack used to fuss over me making sure I had everything, I was the alphas first daughter after all. That one night changed everything I remember it like it happened just today, but no it happened many years ago that night still in my nightmares


My three year old self  cooed over the little baby in front of me, my little sister I had always wanted a little sister to cuddle and sing to sleep. I clutched my little teddy bear to my chest looking at her like she was the most interesting thing in the world, well to my little self she was, I had never seen a baby before all my siblings were older. My mother came in her soft blonde locks swaying in the soft breeze coming through the nursery window.

"Emerald sweaty" my mother cooed softly "its time for you to go to bed" I looked up at her and then back down at the baby in the crib who was now snoring softly.

"ok mummy" I said and reluctantly took a step away from the crib. My mother took my hand leading me to my room in which I slipped under the covers of my double bed.

"Goodnight my beautiful girl, I love you" my mother said kissing my forehead.

"Ni Ni Love you" I say in a sweet little voice. She smiled at me before she turned out the light and slipped out into the now dark hallway.

Not even minutes later I heard a scream from outside, then another, then another and then someone yelled the word I feared the most in the world.

"ROUGES!" I heard my father scream from downstairs and then a soon followed by "SOPHIA!" his voice was full of fear, this made me jump out of my bed I knew my mothers name and thats what it was.

Bolting down stairs I saw my three older brothers down there staring outside I peeked over Noah, the youngest of the three, to see the most gruesome scene, there stood the fighters of my pack fighting off the rouges something in the corner caught my eye I looked over to see my mother on her knees with a man holding a sliver knife to her neck.

"MUMMY!!" I screamed she looked at me and her eyes grew wide I started to run to her but someone grabbed my arm turning around I saw my oldest brother Ethan.

"LET ME G-!" I yelled but was cut off by a scream full of pain turning around I looked at my mother lying on the ground a cut along her throat, I heard another scream and turned to my father, he sat on his knees his head in his hands as he let out screams of pain. His mate had just died. My mother had just died. Lets just say no rouge lived to tell the story of how Luna Sophia died.


"EMERALD GET YOUR SLUTTY ASS DOWN HERE AND MAKE US BREAKFAST" My father yelled, he is not the man he used to be, he used to be so kind I was his favourite, daddy's little girl, his princess but that all changed 'that' night. Quickly slipping on a pair of leggings and an over sized sweater I walked down stairs ignoring the glares and snide remarks

When I reached the dining room I looked a the seating arrangements they hadn't changed Ethan my eldest brother sat at the head of the table since he was alpha, my second eldest brother Mason sat on his right since he was the Beta next to him was his mate and on Ethan's left sat my youngest Noah the third in command, next to him sat his mate and next to his mate sat my father who sat a across from Amethyst my youngest sister and at the other head of the table sat Ethan's mate.

Bowing my head in respect I asked quietly "What would you like for breakfast?" They all told me and I disappeared into the kitchen to make it. Once I finished everyone's food I put their plates in front of them. My father, siblings and their mates had only taken a few bites all of them growled and I immediately cowered knowing I did something wrong, pack members had now pocked their heads in to see what was going on.

"YOU MADE US WAIT THAT LONG FOR THIS!?" My father screams standing up everyone followed coming over to me he slapped me and that was the start to the worst beating in my life.

I awoke to darkness, great I had slept all day.

'Run' I heard my wolf Winter whimper in my head sounding weak and tired, I didn't need to be told twice. Standing up I winced but kept going walking to the Backdoor I slipped outside, when I was at the edge of the forest I asked

'Ready win?'

'Ready as I'll ever be' she replies. I quickly change into my white wolf and bolt into the forest.

Winter and I have been discussing leaving for a while I was always to scared but today was the last straw, I knew without anyone having to tell me that they had almost killed me today, during the beating many other pack members had joined in finding it funny one had almost used silver! It was Saturday so no one went to school meaning the beating went for half the day, when they were done they left me there on the ground in a puddle of my own blood, the pain right now was almost unbearable but I had to push through.

'Just till the border, just till the border...' Winter keeps repeating in my mind.

When I finally reach the glowing yellow line that separates us from the neighbouring pack I had no idea who they where but I really didn't care, shifting I stand a the border and say
"I, Emerald Smith cut all my ties with the Silver stone pack, leaving behind all promises and honours, I here by classify myself as a rouge" I state and with a whoosh of air I was now a rouge stepping over the border I walked into a unknown packs lands quickly shifting I start to run.

After about half an hour it becomes to much and I stop shifting back- wearing clothes- I sit leaning against a nearby tree as I'm about to drift off I hear a twig snap immediately my head turns in that direction and I smell the most mouth watering smell of a chocolate and strawberries. Out of the trees comes two large wolves one larger than the other, the larger one had black fur while the slightly smaller one had dark brown fur much like Ethan's. You could tell the black one was an alpha whilst the brown must be his beta.

When I look at them they shift as my eyelids begin to droop the last thing I remember is looking into the grey eyes with my wolf going crazy in my head yelling the one word I've been waiting seventeen years to hear. Mate.

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