Your breathing became ragged and your hands started shaking. This wasn't real. You quickly grabbed the remote and changed the channel.
"Hey lovely! I just wanted to say once again, thank you for letting me stay here. I appreciate it a lot" Kyungsoo gave you a warm smile and sat down beside you.
You faked a smile his way.
"Ahh its really no problem! I think i'm going to have a rest now, it's quite late, you should too!" You tried to hide the terror in your voice but he could sense it. You stood up quickly only to have your wrist grabbed by him. His rough, ice cold hand. Your heart stopped. What's he going to do?
"Yah you never told me where I could sleep!" he laughed quietly. But something about this laugh was different.
A shaky breath escaped your lips
"Aish silly me mianhae. You can either sleep on the couch here or I have a spare bedroom over there!"
"I'll sleep in the spare bedroom if that's okay. I hope you get a good night's rest...." A dark smile spread across his lips "With all this thunder and rain"
You smiled softly and hurried to your room. Making sure you locked it. You were in a house with a murderer. A cold blooded murderer who killed his own family. Mutilating them. Tears brimmed your eyes and a whimper escaped your lips. Quickly you covered your mouth with your hands to mask any other noise.
You ran over to the phone on your bed side table only to find out the power was cut.
It was nearly silent, the only noises that were made was the rain hitting your windows and your ragged breathing. Maybe nothing would happen to you. You didn't believe that but everybody needed hope.
You heard footsteps around your house. Your breathing stopped. The footsteps were nearing your room. Tears were spilling out of your eyes."Knock Knock princess... Open up" The voice sent shivers down your spine, you quickly crawled underneath your bed and kept your mouth covered, maybe he wouldn't find you.
He was kicking the door down. You were a trembling mess. You held your breath with the hope he wouldn't find you until you saw him in his black boots, slowly nearing you. Step, by step-
A loud scream escaped your mouth and you rolled out from the other side of the bed, missing him grabbing you by an inch. You stood with your back against the wall. He was blocking your one and only exit. The boy you let into your house was gone. In front of you stood a monster. A cold blooded monster with no soul.
"Please! JUST LET ME GO I'M BEGGING YOU" You sobbed while the tears were spilling out of your eyes.
"Hmmm.... Well since you asked so nicely.... GO!" He stepped back however a sinister smile was still painted on his face.
You ran as quickly as your legs could carry you, until you were harshly pulled back. Kyungsoo's hand tangled itself in your hair , you fell to the ground while Soo pulled you across the floor by your hair. The room was soon filled with your pained screams. He threw you against the wall and straddled you. You kicked and punched however he wouldn't budge.
"Look at this... We've got a little fighter..." A menacing laugh erupted from his lips and you knew this was the end.

Knock Knock
Fanfiction; sometime being nice doesn't pay off in the way you thought it would.....