Alicea says the principle your a very bright student why are u fighting Allison well principle brown it because I'm tries of her picking on the loss fortune kids that not rich or have that up new hair Doo she does it to all the new kids it's so old I had to fight back she's a senior why is she picking on juniors u know seniors are high in level so what I believe everybody is equal in there own way she's a butch I don't care I will beat her Ass everyday to prove to her Ass people have feelings to, as I walked to principle brown office I hear Alicea voice and I see Allison with a broken nose and holding her side I did a little giggle and I laughed she understand human pain now she looked at me and said the fuck u looking at u vaccum cleaning bitch I said I'm looking at the dock that's been in ur mouth hahahahahaa as I laugh out loud I feel like I'm being a person that learning to stand up for herself as the school day ended I saw Alicea and we walked home
Randomthis story is about a girl name Andrea, she's has no friends but she join a group called antibullied group it's a group that stands