Chapter 3

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LMFAO here's me like four years later posting this. i had this saved as a draft so might as well LOL

"I'm sorry." He whispers. I wave my hand to dismiss the conversation. "No biggie." He leans up towards my face slightly up until there's a knock on the door. He instantly jumped up to answer it. "There's more people here..." I mumble.

A girl with bright blond hair walks in. "Who's the chick?" She scoffs. "Are you cheating?!" She screams at him.

"'The chick' is me. I'm Destiny. Feel free to call me 'your local bitch from the corner street'." I smirk. She rolls her eyes. "Oh, I guess that's too many words for your pretty little brain to say." No, I didn't know this girl. Neither did I want to. "And he's not cheating, I just met him."

"Whatever." She rolls her eyes. "You're cheating on me aren't you, baby?" She grabs his face,gently. I roll my eyes. Gross. I shake my head as they start sucking each others face sloppily. Actually, she's more sucking his face like it's her last day to live. "Can you get it on somewhere else?!" I yell, annoyed. "Shut up." She mutters pulling away before they both walk out.

Half an hour later

I pull myself out of the bed. I was asleep for like fifteen minutes maybe. I began to walk out of the room to be greeted by glass entering my foot. I whisper-scream in pain before continuing to walk out. Once I'm at the bottom I can hear them yelling at each other.

"I can't believe you, Austin." She sounds like she's crying.

"I'm not cheating on you! She's new, I decided to help her out! Damn, Britt, Chill the hell out! She doesn't mean shit to me!"
After hearing him say that, I sit on the stairs so I can proceed to listen. I pull the glass out of my foot, watching the blood trickle down.

"So... She's w-worthless to you?"

"Yes, baby. Yes. She doesn't mean a THING to me. I'm just using her because, you know how I told you about the ring?"

"Yeah, what does she have to do about it?"

"She has it. I saw it on her finger. It has so many generations behind it and if I get it, I can wake up.I can wake you up too. " Wake up?! I look down at my ring. Hide. It. I can hide it... Far from him!

"Oh! That's perfect!!!" She screams, suddenly not crying.

Hearing the conversation made me heart broken. Worthless. Means nothing. Not shit. Used. It seems like I've been doing this forever. Dealing with people like him. I put the ring in my bra and I decide to stand and walk to them. "Hello. How are you, two lovers?" I giggle. I decided that if I play along, it would be more fun. "We're okay... Did you hear anything?" Austin asks, eyes widened. "Nope!" I giggle. "I did step in some glass though. Could I borrow that wrappy-bandage stuff?" I grin. They looked so confused. He goes into a drawer and then tosses me the bandage. Might as well have some fun with this. I walk over behind him and when his chick isn't paying attention, I kiss his cheek. "Thanks." I grin before going to the couch and wrapping my foot.


"Bye, baby."

His girlfriend, who I found out her name was Brittany, just left.

"Des, why did you kiss me!?" He screams after closing the door. "Because I wanted to. You looked..." It was so hard to find a word. "Appealing." I choke out. "So.. So.. Appealing." I repeat with a grin. "Well... Um, I think you need water. You must've lost a lot of fluid."


Bc I don't feel like writing anymore. Whoops.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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