chapter 4 "the stranger (part 2)"

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Here's part 2 of "the stranger"

There's a little twist in this part that maybe no one was expecting. And the POV of someone special ;)


Song of the chapter is I found you by The Wanted.

Sorry i just had to!




Flashback from last part

"LET GO OF HER!" I heard a deep British accent say. That is very familiar, where have i heard it before? Jase stopped and turned us both around.




Aria's POV

My vision was blurry. I kept struggling against Jace's strong hold towards my body. I had no idea who it could be. I couldn't really make out Jace and the mystery guy's conversation, but i had gotten most of it.

"What are you going to do? Is she your girlfriend?" He drunkenly retorted back.

Jace's grip on me tightened as i tried squirming around.

"I said let her go." The mystery guy's voice was even more deep and husky with his accent echoing through my mind trying to figure out who it was.

Bummer being drunk.

"What if I don't? Get your own mate she's mine now." What the hell was he saying? I was not his toy. Well I think he thought of me as his whore back at the club. I was not that kind of girl.

Great going Aria. What an impression you left at a man you just met at the club.

There goes my conscience.

I could sense mystery guy walking towards us. I didn't know what was going on. I was supposed to be having a girls bachelorette party with my mates, but here i am stuck with a guy who basically wants to take advantage of me, and my saviour?

He walked right towards Jace, looked him right in the face and placed a strong grip on my torso.

"Let's Go." It came out more as a demand than a question.

Unexpectedly, Jace swung his arm towards the side of the man's face, as I was pulled back.

But before he took the punch, he stopped the swing of Jace's arm by his strong hand. Both of them were now arm wrestling each other, and I felt like the prize to whoever won. Where were my girls?

Jace was easily defeated because of how drunk he was.

But he didn't give up yet. He took his hand again, and before the guy could notice, he swung his fist right onto mystery guy's lower left cheek, hitting his jaw and probably leaving a bruise. His head jerked at the contact, facing me and holding his perfectly shaped jaw. He opened his eyes slowly, and i was met with a pair of green orbs, sparkling majestically, staring right through me.

I gasped.

Oh my god where have i seen him before?

It didn't last though, he took hold of my torso strongly pulling me out of Jace's hold and twirling me around, causing me to fall in his arms. His cologne filling my nose in a nice pleasure.

I was blown away, by his features. His strong hold on my body felt so nice, it felt like i was protected. My stomach was instantly filled with butterflies wanting to erupt any moment. I had never felt so fragile in my life. I hooked myself onto his blazer. And put my hand on his hard toned chest, and the other hand around his shoulder.

"Get your own hooker I saw her first." 

I was distracted from my thoughts of checking him out. I was falling deeper into fatigue as I felt being pushed around, and finally I collapsed onto the ground, gasping. And still hearing the two guys fight.

By now I could tell that mystery guy drove Jace away, by the constant punching that probably scared him.

I was going to faint any second. My head and feet were aching, begging me to cuddle up in my soft bed and fall asleep.

I heard steps coming towards me as i tried to get up, but was failing. I traced the same scent of cologne and realized it was the mystery guy.

"Who aree y-you," I managed to stutter out.

"I'm Harry Love,"


Cliffhanger! Sorry i can't do that to you guys. Carry on ;)


Before i could respond back, he picked me up bridal style, and started walking down the empty street to his car I believe.

"What aree y-you doingg?" He didn't respond. I am seriously confused, and overall i am as drunk as fuck, on the streets of New York being carried bridal style away by my saviour the "mystery guy" called Harry?! I couldn't think straight... Harry, Harry, HARRY STYLES ?! My eyes widened, in shock. I tried to make out his features. Emerald green orbs that could sparkle right through you. He still had his famous curls, that were now messy. But sexy messy, tousled ones that kept going on his face as he smirked and flicked them back into place. He is more toned than before probably because of his age.

He looked down at me. Gosh those eyes. Am I dreaming? I've never seen him in real life till now.  I never got to meet one direction, I was never really a big fan although they all were really attractive. I saw them occasionally on TV but I lost interest after a while and later on the band broke up.

"Like the view, Love?" He smirked at me. I tried to talk but nothing came out. I wanted to ask him what he was doing here in New York, but again nothing came out. I was shocked at the beautiful man looking right at me, carrying me. My eyes were still widened. I probably looked like a love sick puppy.

And the next thing i know,

Everything blacked out.


Harry's POV


OK so Harry's POV will be in the next chapter.

I don't think any of you guys saw this coming, did you?

Comment down below what you thought of this twist, and what you think will happen in the next chapter.

And don't worry Zayn is still yet to be introduced in the story (;







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