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May 1832:

Hello My name is Lily Antonia of the Love Clan. For generation after generation have my family always been the ones of my villages that encourages improve, growth and prosper. However, with every good deed there can be and as there was with my family, a sinister motive behind it, greed, notoriety & social standpoint. This also seemed to affect my life in ways I did not believe possible, since I was young I’ve always this overwhelming goodness inside me and it showed in many ways, whether it be helping the deprived with the loss, lack of food & hygiene or just caring for others in mass numbers. Now, this may seem strange because we princesses are typically depicted as selfish, spoilt and always abiding to our families desire, yet this is not the case with me, I’m very much the endless romantic, I’m very selfless in my nature and most importantly believe that we should all look after one and another since we were put on this earth as equals and I firmly believe that no-one should be better than or look down on someone purely based on materialistic means. I have met some of the most interesting, talented and truly inspirational people in my time and for years I always believed that I was because I have so much good in me that others should feel my goodness. Yet it is them who make me feel good and make me want to be the princess and leader of Loca Island. But all my life I never seemed to have such good luck with men, I have sampled the spectrum of men there is and I am truly sceptical that there is a man that I can give my heart out to, that was until I met Edward.

It was just passing the west side of the Sun and Edward just looked like he was from a different world, I remember seeing him for the first time, he arose from the bay of hay and woke up proclaiming “All I want is Someone like you ! ! !” I laughed as all I wanted was someone like him, funny, quirky as he didn’t seem to act like he belonged to this world. In addition to this though one of the main reasons that I liked Edward was that he was a blank slate, he did not know anything of my origin, he didn’t have any pre-judgements or assumptions doubting my character or intentions and as such gave me chance to actually get to know him, that’s not good enough, it enabled me to actually allow myself to feel for him as he didn’t hate my family or think I was helping others to make them look good and I could tell that none of these things actually came across him as when he noticed me, he began to look all around him in such a coy manner. It was truly a new experience for me because men looked at me with either lust or obsession. He just saw me in such a different light and what made me even more attracted to Edward was that he was beginning to look around him with such wonder, curiosity and appreciation, it was as if he just appreciated life for all that it is worth, something that is not truly appreciated in our little Island and something which I very much wanted in my partner.

I remember walking up to the tree and looking at him, but not really looking at him as I didn’t want him to notice my blush. I remember his first words “Hi, Edward De Silva and can I say that I have never seen such a beautiful place ? It feels like I have died and gone to paradise.” I could not help but look at him and smile and reply with “right ? It has such a pretty attraction that I can’t really understand why people don’t just spend hours staring at how amazing nature is. Edward looked at me and said “because, some may think they are Crazy !” and began to laugh! I mean how rude can one be ? there is nothing crazy about admiring nature in all its fascinating glory. We began to go on walks around the island, I showed him all the nice places, the playa, the hot rocks, the natural whirlpool lake, the Volcano within our island. Edward was just stunned and I was so glad to see someone astonished as I was when I first seen it. But I was curious, if he was from around one of the neighbouring islands, why hadn’t he ever seen Loca before? There has always being events gathering all the islands to unite and introduce the sons and daughters of every clan to each other. As my day with Edward began to draw to a close, I couldn’t help but feel there was something ominous around the corner, like I wouldn’t see him the next day and I looked at him and said. “Come back to me Edward, I have loved every minute of your company.” And he smiled and replied “Anyone ever tell you just how similar to an Angel you really are ? Of Course ill be back, I don’t know how long or how ill get back, but ill get back. After all you are like my little Angel. That’s worth coming back for.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2013 ⏰

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