The next day

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I barely slept I think it was that the body was gone that scared me the most not the blood not the murder weapon the body being gone if the body........maybe none of this would have happened if we found the body. We go to school and I thought it was going to be a bit of talk maybe more than a bit but I was wrong there were police all over the place and when I found out our names were written on the board with blood I thought they were lying but once I saw it myself I knew they never lied to me, that's also when I met Detective Lawliett I knew he was a good man and I also found out he was one of the best. If anyone was going to find the body he would. He constantly kept telling us he wanted to question all three of us but manly me, I never understood why so I agreed and convinced Sophia and Trianna to do it with me. We were asked stupid questions like where were we when she died. I told them we were helping her move stuff out of her room to another room. The question that got me was, "who do you think did it?" I wish I knew what the girls said because I told them that I knew it wasn't my friends but one of the guards that were there looking at me, looked a bit annoyed. Maybe even both were annoyed that I didn't accuse one of my friends. I think, I'm pretty sure they wanted me to say Sophia or Trianna because Trianna told me she said Sophia and Sophia said she told them Trianna so as usual I was the one to think neither of my friends would do something bad I'm usually right but this time I don't know. I was walking past the janitor's cubby and I smelt something very strange I swore I smelt it before but I couldn't put my finger on it, the smell was like vinegar mixed with backing soda and salt.... Huh... Must be my imagination. (But it wasn't my imagination, that smell........ if I knew then everything would not have happened it would all be ok. Right?)

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