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"And so than I'd put that number there right?" Calum asked as he brought his finger down to the worksheet lying in front of us.
"What?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. "No that's not where it goes. How'd you get that?"
"Does it even fucking matter? I'm going to bomb this final anyways." The tall brown-eyed boy groaned as he brought his head to the tabletop frustrated.
"Calum. Don't say that. You're going to do fine." I tried encouragingly even though I wasn't sure he would. I had been tutoring him for around a month now, and he'd been struggling the whole time. It wasn't that he wasn't smart because he was; he was very smart. He just had troubles remembering formulas and methods, which wasn't very helpful for the either of us.
"I'm an idiot." Calum mumbled into the tabletop and I gave out a small laugh looking down at the back of his head.
"No you're not. Calum don't say that." I tried as I watched his back rise and fall with every breath he took.
"Easy for you to say! Y/N you're like a fucking genius. AP everything right? You're a parents dream child, works hard, good grades, and listens! I'm surprised you're allowed to have me over when there's no parents home!" Calum snapped sitting upwards staring at me.
I was a bit taken aback and I tried to find words to say but couldn't. Looking back up towards Calum I watched his cheeks flush bright red with embarrassment.
"Oh my god. I can't believe I just said that. Y/N I'm sorry... I didn't mean that. It's just that... It's just that you're so smart and-"
"Calum. Don't apologize it's fine." I grinned at him reassuringly. "But I've got an idea, let's take a break. I think we could both use it huh?" I asked searching his eyes.
"Yeah. Yeah, definitely I agree." He nodded quickly, his cheeks still flushed.
"Good." I smiled at him nodding. "What do you wanna do?" I asked as I shut the open books in front of us.
"You pick. I was a total ass. So it's only fair you pick." He gave a shy half smile.
"You were not being an ass. Calum, you're frustrated. It happens. Believe me I've seen some pretty intense meltdowns." I laughed and stood from my seat at the dining table. "I'm thinking a movie... Want to go downstairs and see what's on Netflix?" I asked looking down at him -literally the only time I ever looked down to him due to his abnormal tallness was when he was sitting and I was not, and even at that he didn't seem much shorter than I did at all- raising my eyebrows questioningly.
"Yeah sure, any preferences?" He asked as he stood up, now looking down at me.
"Just no horror." I said squinting my eyes and nodding, earning a giggle from him.
"Got it." He grinned fully this time and turned on his heel, his long black skinny jean clad legs leading him towards the living room. That boy wore some tight pants. Not that I was complaining in the least bit, it looked good. Him and his three best friends all typically wore tight black jeans with a rip or two in the knees and towered over the majority of people at school. I didn't know them well due to only meeting them briefly at school or on my way out after tutoring but they seemed nice enough.
Trying to remember what I stayed behind for I placed my hand on my hip and glanced around. Drinks. That's what I had wanted to get. Walking towards the kitchen I shoved my phone into my pocket, before reaching the fridge. Pulling it open I searched the fridge with my eyes for anything that seemed somewhat satisfying. Unsure of coke or lemonade I reached for the coke, and then stopped noticing the box at the back of the fridge. Sitting perched and untouched hidden behind multiple items was a 12-pack of beer. It was my brother's beer to be exact. He definitely owed me for multiple things lately, and his beer would suffice. Smirking I moved the few items in the way and pulled the box onto the floor. I nodded approvingly to myself and shut the fridge picking up the case.
When I finally made it to the living room I could see the back of Calum's backwards snapback, neck and shoulders as I made my way up behind the couch.
"Find anything you like?" I asked walking around the couch with the case of beer in one hand.
"Yeah I was thinking The Breakfast Club." He grinned before bringing his eyes to the box in my hand. "Y/N when I said you were a perfect kid I didn't mean you need to rebel and drink your dad's beer. I know you're not a goody two shoes." He taunted as I sat down next to him.
"Oh shut it would you, it's a Friday and we're both stuck here."
"What else would you be doing?"
"Anyways, what I meant is that it's a Friday night and we definitely both do not want to be doing any work, so we might as well have a little fun." I grinned as I opened the box.
"Right, with your Dad's beer. He'll probably murder me and then murder you with my dead body." Calum stared at me unimpressed. I gave out a soft chuckle and rolled my eyes.
"It's my brothers beer ya goof. He owes me anyways." I said matter-of-factly.
"Oh. Well in that case what are you waiting for? Pass one over." Calum grinned smugly as he held out his hand impatiently. Shaking my head I pulled out two beers and handed one to Calum while keeping one for myself. After we had both opened them and gotten comfy, Calum pressed the play button and we were welcomed to the familiar intro of the famous 80's movie I'd seen only a hundred times.
"Always, always cry at the end of this movie." Calum's giggly tone was sarcastic as he sniffled.
"Oh I know, me too." I nodded before finishing off my last beer. Somehow over the duration of the film we had managed to down all twelve of the beers. I wasn't sure if I was drunk or not due to sitting on the couch and not moving for the past hour and a half.
"I'm so feeling it." Calum grinned again sarcastically before standing up. I laughed and shucked the blanket off of my lap before standing up as well. I felt fine at first but as I took another step forward I felt the vibe hit me quickly and I lost balance, stumbling sideways into Calum's tall frame.
"Whoa, easy there tiger." Calum laughed as he steadied me with his hands.
"I'm sorry, I guess it just hadn't really hit me till now." I blushed out as I stepped back from him.
"Lightweight." Calum grinned entertained as he picked up the empties tossing them back into the box.
"I am not." I tried confident but found myself falling into a giggle of laughter.
"Sure thing Y/N, sure thing." He winked as he laughed along with me.
"Hey, I've got an idea." I flashed a grin, the alcohol humming through my veins making my body warm.
"Yeah? And what's that lightweight?" Calum teased raising an eyebrow.
"Come with me!" I giggled as I made my way out of the living room and back towards the kitchen.
"What are we doing?" Calum asked as he followed after me coming to stop when we reached the kitchen. I ignored him and made my ways towards the cabinet crouching to look for the item in mind. "Hello, Y/N?" He questioned again.
"This." I grinned as I pulled out the tall glass bottle of clear liquid and stood up. "This is what we're doing."
"What's that?" He asked squinting as I made my way towards the table.
"Vodka." I grinned as I walked back into the kitchen reaching for two shot glasses out of the glass cupboard.
"I guess I really did underestimate you... Sorry about that." Calum teased as he joined me at the table eyeing the bottle.
"Sure you are." I smirked and watched him roll his eyes.
"Are you sure we're allowed to drink this?" Calum questioned, although I knew he really didn't care what the answer was.
"Yup. My parents don't touch this stuff." I nodded as I unscrewed the cap and poured two even shots. I picked them up steadily, handing one to Calum and keeping one for myself. "Cheers." I grinned as I brought the shot to Calum's.
"Cheers." He smiled clinking his with mine. We both nodded and threw our heads back, the hot liquid coating our throats quickly.
"Wow." I beamed as I put the now empty glass down.
"Shit that was strong." Calum shivered as he brought his sleeved arm to his mouth.
"Have another." I giggled pouring another full shot for him.
"What about you?" He raised his eyebrow as he picked up the glass.
"I'm feeling it already." I said flatly and honestly looking up at him.
"Ahhh, I see." He nodded before throwing his head back again and swallowing the bitter liquid.
"I'll be right back." I said turning away from him and down towards the living room. Once in there I found the docking station and put my phone on, music suddenly filling the house. "So." I said sauntering back into the kitchen, finding Calum standing where I had left him before. My eyes reached the bottle and I noticed that he had taken a few more shots, it visibly affecting him in his face leaving his cheeks rosy.
"I like vodka." He grinned goofily and I laughed, my eyes falling on him. He was wearing tight black skinny jeans with a dark grey hoodie, and his snapback placed on his head perfectly; small blonde streaks peaking out in the front. He was extremely attractive; there was no question about it. But due to being his tutor, I hadn't spent much time appreciating his genes.
"Tell me something about yourself." I smiled as I walked towards the table leaning against it and looking up to him.
"What do you mean?" He asked looking down at me, his eyes searching my face.
"Something no one knows. It doesn't have to be super interesting or anything. Just first thing that pops into your head." I bit down on my lip as I finished my sentence. I watched as Calum squinted, clearly trying to think of something.
"I've got it." He grinned. "I get really horny when I'm drunk." He laughed and shrugged.
"Really?" I raised my eyebrows questioningly.
"I couldn't think of anything else. It was the first thing that popped into my head." He smirked as he looked down at me.
"Well I guess it's something." I said in a pretend annoyed tone.
"And you? What's something about you?" He asked now seeming to be standing closer to me than he had been before. His eyes were darker and larger than they had been before, studying my features. I felt the corner of my lips quirk up as I looked into his eyes.
"I also get really horny when I drink." I breathed casually, licking my lips softly after finishing speaking. I wanted to grab him right then and there, and pull him into a kiss that would lead to things we'd possibly regret, or maybe we wouldn't but I refused the urge and continued to look up at him innocently.
"Isn't that interesting." He took a step closer. "I have a feeling maybe we could help each other out." He breathed pressing his body against mine, now fully eliminating the space between us. I swallowed nervously still not breaking the eye contact between us.
"Calum..." I breathed. "I'm your tutor... This isn't right, it could become so awkward." I said regretfully.
"We're in the same grade, we go to the same school." He nearly growled and I felt the hairs on my neck stand.
"That doesn't make it less awkward a week from now while I'm trying to help you with your homework." I shut my eyes slightly with frustration; I was fully leaving this up to him to make the move.
"Listen." He purred into my ear, his breath hot against my cheek. "I think I've got something to say that would convince you." He grinned, his lips barely brushing against my ear.
"Oh yeah?" I practically whispered, my head fuzzy from the alcohol still running through my body.
"Yeah." He grinned cockily.
"Let's hear it." I looked at him with wondering eyes. I watched him wink and grin, bringing his lips down to my ear again.
"I wish I was your calculus homework because then I'd be hard and you'd be doing me on a desk." He breathed against my ear, not even slightly cracking a smile. I met his eyes with flushed cheeks and began to laugh uncontrollably.
"You're such a tool." I shook my head as I hit his arm playfully.
"But convincing right?" He asked his playful smile returning back to his face.
"Calum, how in the hell you made that sound hot is beyond me. But yes, it was actually quite convincing." I grinned as I met his eyes with mine.
"Quite convincing? Cause if it wasn't convincing enough I have tons more where that came from." He stated, his hands gripping either side of the table as his body remained pressed against mine. I looked down and found that somewhere over the last few moments the worry of regret had left me standing fully prepared to kiss the gorgeous boy in front of me. The cologne he was wearing was intoxicating and his body pressed against mine had me frustrated with need beyond belief.
"For fucks sake quit being a tease." I smiled slightly biting down on my lip. "And fucking kiss me Hood." I managed out somewhat keeping the confidence in my voice.
"With pleasure." He grinned pushing his lips to mine. The minute our lips touched I moaned in appreciation, hooking my fingers in his front belt loops. Before I knew it our passionate kiss turned into a rough messy make out session. His hands had faltered from the side of the table to the small of my back and travelled downwards finding their way to my ass. "Jump." He groaned and I did, wrapping my legs tightly around his waist as he carried me towards my bedroom. Still kissing I felt him kick open the door before walking in and slamming me against it roughly. A gasp passed my lips as the sting spread through my back and Calum helped me to my feet, still pinning me to the wall as he unbuttoned my jeans.
"You look great when you moan my name." Calum smirked.
"But I didn't-" I started but was cut off by Calum expertly slipping two fingers into my underwear and rubbing them hard against my clit. "Fuck Calum." I moaned my eyes fluttering shut as I bit down on my lip. The fingers were removed and I opened my eyes whimpering at the loss of contact.
"Told you." He growled before taking my hand and pushing me down onto the bed. "Now be a good girl and take off everything but your panties for me, yeah?" He whispered into my ear and I nodded meeting his dark eyes with mine. I hadn't ever seen Calum so demanding and cocky before and it was driving me absolutely crazy.
Standing up I reached for the hem of my sweater and pulled it off discarding it on the floor. Calum stood towering over me as he watched me intently, his eyes following my hands as they made their way to my bra clasp. I unclasped it and shrugged it off letting it fall to the floor, dragging on Calum's clear wants due to the bulge in his skintight jeans, by pulling down my jeans agonizingly slow. Once they were fully off I stood in front of him exposed and waiting for my next instructions. Calum's eyes raked down my body fully and he licked his lips bringing his eyes to meet mine.
"Bed. Now." He demanded and I did so, sitting on the bed and looked up at him innocently. I watched him pull off his shirt quickly and throw it somewhere across the room before coming to stand at the edge of the bed eyeing me closely. My eyes fluttered across his muscular body and broad shoulders with want and the dark ink in which I'd never seen before danced along his skin pulling his whole being together into the most entrancing person I'd ever seen. His jeans and snapback still remained on, as he stared down at my practically naked body. Something in his eyes when he looked at me made me shiver, but I didn't break eye contact, not wanting to give him the upper hand.
"Now are you just gonna stare or are you going to fuck me?" I smirked up at him, raising one eyebrow. That's all it took and he pounced on me, hovering over me as he pinned his body to mine pressing me back against the bed. I looked up to him our foreheads touching as he looked into my eyes.
"Are you sure you're okay with this, cause if you're not, we should probably stop now. I don't know if I'd be able to stop myself, you're so beautiful." He mumbled, his tone serious but friendly as he smiled slightly.
"Yes I'm fine with it, I promise." I blushed at his kind comment and bit my lip. And there were no more words shared, Calum's lips connected with mine as he slipped his hands up to pinch and tweak my nipples earning a small moan from my lips.
"Alright baby girl, time to have some fun." Calum breathed against my ear pulling away from my lips. He got off of me and down to the end of the bed and grabbed my ankles pulling me down to the edge of the bed, hard. I was beyond turned on by his rough movements and wanted nothing more than to fuck him, but from the smirk tugging at his lips as he got down on his knees in-between my legs I could tell he had other interests to get us started.
"Not a word or sound from you unless I say so, alright beautiful?" He looked at me with questioning eyes. I nodded nervously chewing on my lip. I was always loud; keeping quiet was going to be a challenge.
"Good girl." He purred before placing light pressured kisses to my inner thighs, I wanted him to do something but knew better than to shout out so I bit back my words and closed my eyes. I felt him place his lips everywhere else than where I needed him, and I knew he knew he was driving me crazy. I felt him hook his long fingers in the waistband of my underwear and lightly slide them down my legs taking his time to drag on the torture he knew he was putting me through. Once they were fully off he took a finger and ran it up my slit collecting my arousal. I shuddered grabbing fistfuls of the covers underneath me.
"Oh you're so wet and I've hardly even touched you baby girl, is this all for me?" His voice sounded raspy and hot as he pressed a finger to my clit. Knowing I'd moan out if I looked at him perched between my legs I kept my eyes shut and nodded frantically. "Good." He said with a low chuckle.
Finally he brought his lips down onto my clit sucking hard at the bundle of nerves. I inhaled sharply as he continued his way swirling his tongue and sucking everywhere I reacted to. I knew he was enjoying this, me squirming and biting down on my lip, my hands gripping the sheets as he worked wonders with his mouth. I could feel his eyes on me but I kept me eyes shut trying to keep quiet. My mouth parted when he slipped two of his fingers in me, working their way to my g-spot. I bucked my hips hard against his mouth and he used his free arm to lock them down in place. I could feel myself getting close to releasing and I brought my teeth back down onto my lip hard to suppress any noises that could escape my mouth. Between Calum's skilled fingers, mouth and tongue I came undone shuddering hard and shaking as he licked me up through my high. I felt him lick up his fingers and all of my juices before placing a gentle kiss to my tummy. Opening my eyes I let go of the sheets and sat up slightly still trying to catch my breath.
"Fuck baby that was so hot." He grinned and stood up out of his position on the floor. My eyes followed his long legs and came to the prominent bulge in his jeans that seemed to have gotten bigger since the last time I saw it. Seeing my look of wanting he smirked and nodded. "You can talk now baby, you were such a good girl keeping quiet for me." He smiled.
"Oh my god Calum, that was fucking amazing." I beamed now finally finding my breath and words again. "But I need to do something with that." I nodded towards his jeans. I watched him carelessly peel off his jeans and boxers his large length slapping up against his stomach.
"It's all yours princess." He said smiling as he walked towards me. "Oh almost forgot." He stopped and reached for the hat on his head.
"No. Keep it on. It's hot as fuck." I admitted looking down slightly.
"Anything for you." He smirked bringing his hands down and now standing in front of me. I got onto my knees now somewhat meeting his height and pressed my lips to his, our tongues dancing with each other's. Letting my hands trail down his toned stomach I removed my lips from his and began to place kisses down his jawline and onto his neck. I could hear his breathing become unsteady as I trailed my kisses down his shoulder and down to his chest. "Cal, lie down." I ordered and he did. Once he was lying down, I straddled him with my legs on either side of him and continued my slow kisses down his body. I finally reached where he wanted my mouth and smirked pressing light kisses around his hips and pubic bone.
"Y/N please no teasing." He whimpered and I nodded. I placed my hand on his length and gripped it beginning to tug on it slightly before running my thumb over his slit a few times, earning a groan from his lips. I took him into my mouth fully and swallowed around his size, his hands flew to my hair. "Fuck you're mouth feels amazing." He moaned as I began to bob my head up and down with hollowed cheeks.
"Wait, Y/N stop." His voice cracked and I pulled away from him with raised eyebrows.
"Is something wrong?" I asked nervously.
"No, not at all. It's just that I've wanted this for a really long time, and I've pictured it for so long. I-I don't know how long I'll last and I want to make sure you get the fucking you deserve." He gave me a half smile. I swallowed and nodded sitting up off of him.
"Yeah, I agree." I said switching spots with him so I was lying underneath him. Within seconds he was overtop of me again and our lips were connected as his hand ghosted over my stomach before reaching my legs. Gently he pushed my legs apart and brought himself up to my entrance, his tip teasing my clit softly. I moaned and he grinned into the kiss before pushing himself into me fully, stopping to allow me to adjust to his size.
"Move." I said pushing my lips to his collarbone. I felt him pull almost all the way out before ramming into me again repeatedly. "Fuck faster." I moaned against his chest. Calum picked up the pace and thrust into me faster and harder than he was before, curses and moans passing our lips with each thrust.
"Fuck you're so tight." He moaned through gritted teeth before crashing his lips to mine, grabbing at my hips as he thrust deeper. The kissing had become hungry as we attacked each other's tongues, my hands trailing all over his body in needy movements.
"Holy fuck Calum." I moaned against his lips.
"That's right baby, scream out my name." He attached his lips to my neck as he thrust harder and faster, his thrust finding my g-spot. Noting this, he pounded into me harder, hitting my sweet spot every time.
"FUCK CALUM!" I screamed as I felt myself getting closer to my second orgasm of the night. "God I'm so close." I moaned as his soft lips trailed wet open mouth kisses against my skin.
"Me too Y/N, me too." He cooed as he reached his hand in-between us, pressing circles into my clit. I moaned as he continuously thrust into me, hard, deep and fast making sure that he was reaching my g-spot every time. "Alright baby girl, come for me." He groaned and that was all I needed to send me over the edge. I came hard and shuddering on him profanities spilling out of my as I clenched around him. Within the next few thrusts he came undone as well, thrusting us through our highs as we moaned and cursed together. Calum breathed heavily as he fell on top of me trying to catch his breath. He pulled out of me and rolled off of me lying next to me with one hand propped up and resting on his cheek.
"I actually think I'm speechless." I said still in shock from the effects of my orgasm.
"Well I'm glad we found something I'm good at." Calum laughed softly as he reached up and pushed the hair out of my face.
"Hey, you're good at other things to. You just happen to be the best fuck I've ever had." I said flashing him a grin.
"Well thank god, I was worried." He winked at me. "But I definitely think we should've done this a long time ago."
"I agree, but hey it's whatever." I sighed looking up tiredly.
"I've got an idea, if we go get my homework done and it's right, could we do round two after?" He asked, his eyes searching my face.
"I've got a better idea." I said smiling as I stood up reaching for his sweater. "Each tutor session we get all the work done and it's to my expectations, we can have sex."
"That sounds like a bribe." He smirked looking at me.
"And a little bribery never hurt anyone. But I mean if you aren't interested..." I trailed off.
"Oh I'm interested alright. Get ready for a new and improved Calum Hood." He flashed a cheeky grin at me and we both fell into a fit of giggles.

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