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"But why?!?" I whined as i watched hopelessly at the scene before me.

My dad sighed for what seemed like the millionth time and told me again. "Because, honey....." He stressed but mom cut him off.

"We are not explaining this again". Mom stated firmly with a strict look. Dad stooped down to grab his and mom's luggage off the ground once again and mom assisted in opening the front door behind us.

I bit my lip as another whine tried to escape. I walked with them to our van parked in the drive way. Mom got into the passenger seat and got her seat belt on, folding her arms impatiently. Dad threw their bags unto the back sears and slammed the door shut. He looked towards mom with a pleading look to that she huffed and dad proceeded to walk quickly to where i stood in the door way. He cupped my cheek and kissed my forehead. "Be safe". He whispered softly then hugged me farewell. In a minute, they were gone and out of sight.

I was seated on the couch two hours later, munching on some ruffles, bored out of my mind. The TV was on, the volume down to almost silence and i was home alone. Gosh, for the first time i was. The only light source in the house was the television and i became more of the fact that i was the only one here. It was frightening just thinking about what could happen while i am here alone. I could have an attack or a murder stumbling in running from the police. Or a thief. Or a gang! Or an assaulter! Or even worse! A serial killer! Did i even lock the front door?!

Even in my panicking and random thoughts, i heard it. I quickly muted the TV and listened again when it stopped. There was silence then....

Click, click, click.

It was the sound of the door knob being turned without the slightness of noise. My heart pounded in my chest as fear came over me and i unconsciously dropped the chips and remote from my hands. I was paralyzed in fear and i could not find it in me to rush over to the door and bolt it shut. Panic came upon me when i heard the door stretched open.


Somehow my body awoken and i dived to the floor in front of the couch just as soft padding of feet came through the door and into the living room. I held my breath as they went around the back of the couch and into the kitchen. I closed my eyes tightly and prayed in my head that they would not see my toes peeking from around the side of the couch. When they disappeared into the kitchen, i shot to my feet silently and looked around wildly. With trembling feet i ran upstairs trying to calm myself for my heart was beating a 100 miles per minute. The overbearing pain came through my chest at the way i was breathing hard. I ran into my room and soundlessly locked the door bolting it. I scanned the room and rushed towards my baseball bat in the far corner of the room. I grabbed it immediately and paused for a minute before getting my helmet also. What? I need protection!

And speaking of protection, i never once thought of calling the police during my panic mode. All that crossed was beating the hell out of that burglar invading my kitchen...and home.

Oh Lord, there's a burglar in my house!

I slowly crept out of my room and out into the hall, crawling down the stairs like the great ninja i was. I could just hear the dramatic music in the background that you would always hear in movies.

Dum, dum, duh, duh, duh, dum dum....

I got into the long passage way that led to the front door. I pressed my back against the wall as i tipped-toed along the quiet and dark hall and paused at the end of the opening that was the living room. Holding my breath, i jumped into the room, holding my bat out as my eyes skimmed the darkness for some sort of movement. The TV still played without sound and it was my only source of light. That, and the full moon streaming through the window.

I got on my hands and knees and crawled to the entrance of the connecting kitchen just as the sound of a yelp following a crash was heard. I gulped and pressed my back on the wall by the entrance of the kitchen. Sneakingly, i slid my hand around and shuffled my fingers for the light switch. When i felt it under my fingers i grinned successfully. I gripped the bat tight in my other hand and got into my attacking mode.

With a war cry i leaped into the kitchen swinging the bat wildly as i flicked the light.

"Ahhhh-!" The cry died in my throat as i took in the scene before me, before erupting in laughter.

"Well, you fooled me alright". I said shaking my head in wonder as i eyed my 'burglar' who was currently eating my left over dinner.

My lovely and wonderful neighbor's cat.



well i hoped you liked that.

that was actually an assignment given by my English teacher. i had fun writing this. i wonder how i come up with these crazy ideas? ha i will never know.

comment if you liked it.

vote if you think it was funny (or at least somewhat)

thanks again for reading. love you i appreciate it.

and again....

peace. love. unity and eat RUFFLES!

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