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Tears streamed down her face as she hobbled to the cliff. Sitting at the edge, she thought, 'Lean forward an inch for every time you have wanted to end it.'

One inch, two inches, three, four.... she collapsed backwards at the sound of a thunder clap. 'No! What the hell am I thinking?!' She got up and limped to the guild.

Levy opened the door and smiled softly under the hood of her jacket at the sounds of laughing and fighting. She aimed to go to the infirmary avoiding her friends the best she could.

WHAM! Natsu slammed into her as Gray threw him. Levy flew halfway across the guild only to be stopped by a wooden post. It hurt a LOT more than it would've someone without her injuries. The hood slipped off of her head when she landed, revealing her black eye and swollen lip. 'Uh oh.'

The room filled with silence when they saw. Everyone froze, Cana stopped drinking, Natsu stopped his short of punching Gray one fist entangled into Gray's (rarely worn) shirt, and even Erza stopped eating her cake.

Another thunder clap sounded and brought Lucy out of her shocked daze, "Levy! Are you alright? What happened?!" Lucy yelled running over.

That seemed to break the spell on the rest of the guild and they joined her. Wendy ran over and pulled Levy's jacket off. The group that had formed around them gasped at the wounds.

Scratches up and down her arms, bruises that spotted her body from purple to a sickly green color, gashes on her back, a rib clearly broken, blood pouring from the wounds, not to mention the old crisscrossing scars all over her body.

"Wendy?" Levy said with a small pained smile. "Don't look so terrified, it doesn't hurt that much."

Wendy snapped out of her shocked state and immediately started healing her. The calming glow from her hands soothed Levy in itself. With a sickening pop the rib realigned Lucy flinching at the noise. Natsu put a comforting hand on her shoulder as Levy's bruises began to fade. The scratches became smaller and the gashes knit themselves together almost completely.

Wendy kept going until she passed out, Gray catching her before she hit the ground. "What happened Levy?"

"I got mugged outside of the bank? It's no big deal. I lost a few hundred thousand jewel." Levy said waving it off.

Lucy wrapped Levy's arm around her shoulder and pulled her to her feet. Natsu did the same on her other side.

They walked to the infirmary, laying Wendy on one of the beds and Levy on another.

"Guys I'm fine, can I please go home now?"

"Not until we find the guy who mugged you." Jet said angrily.

"I agree" Erza added, "We can't have people thinking that it's okay to hurt our guild mates. And he stole your money, you need that."

"What did this guy look like?" Droy asked.

"Ummmm... he was... tall and had... spiky white hair and a black jacket." Levy said describing a random book character.

"Alright Natsu, Lucy, and Happy you check North. Gray and Carla check west. Jet and Droy South. And I'll go East. We'll spread out from the bank and search for the criminal." Erza said assertively.

"I wanna help to!" Wendy quietly added as she stood up from her spot on the bed.

"May I help as well?" Panther Lily inquired.

"Alright, Wendy join Gray and Carla. Panther Lily, you can join me." The large group of determined wizards ran from the room.

"That was a great lie." The shadow in the corner of the infirmary called.

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