Main Story : Chapter 7

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Choices From Last Chapter

-Cry into Woozi's chest :
Go To Section F1

- Cry as you run away unexpectedly:
Go To Section F2

- Stand there and bawl out in tears :
Go To Section F3


Section F1

I cry into Woozi's chest. He jumps back a little.

"Woah, are you okay?" He says. I don't say anything and keep crying.

I finally get off his chest.

"I'm sorry." I say as I wipe the tears off my face. I hear footsteps coming towards us.

I feel someone push me. My body falls onto the ground. Ouch.

"Hi Woozi! I've always wanted to meet you!"

The voice I hear sounds familiar. It is Jiae's voice.

"You didn't have to push her." Woozi's voice is stern. He walks over to me and helps me up.

I've never seen him mean to a fan before.

Jiae grabs him then gives him a hug. For some reason, this makes my heart ache.

He tried to release himself from the hug.

"I'm going back home. Bye Woozi. Say bye to the others for me." I say. I turn around and start to run. I didn't want to see him hug another girl. It broke my heart.

"No, wait!" I hear his voice but I keep going.

I run back home and walk inside the house.

|Go To Continue Story|

Section F2

I cry and run.

"Where are you going? Wait up!" I can hear Woozi chase after me. This just makes me run faster.

There is this random elevation in the sidewalk. I accidentally trip on it.

I lay there as I see Woozi come up to me.

"Are you okay? That was a pretty big fall." He helps me get up.

"What's wrong? You can't just run like that! What if someone tries to hurt you again!?" He says, clearly concerned.

"It's still bright outside." I say.

"So? Anything could happen." His kindness warms my heart.
"Woozi come here!" I hear someone say in the distance.

"It's S.coups calling you." I say.

"Okay, stay here. I need to go and check what he needs." Woozi runs off in the other direction.

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