Chapter 10 - Guys Are Like Dollar Bills, They Never Do Last

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"Thank you." I whispered to him as he stood there and hugged me. That's all I needed, was a hug. It wasn't like the type of hug you give your girlfriend or boyfriend, it was more of a comforting hug.

"Hadley, you're my friend. I'm not going to judge you, or stop talking to you, or spread rumours about you. You're a good friend, and I'm thankful for that." He said as he continued to hug me.

"You're a good friend too, Kyle. I really appreciate you not leaving." I said as I hugged him back.

"Alright, so when is this baby popping out?" He said with a smile as I wiped my tears away. I hated this pregnancy. I was already emotional about things, although from what I've been reading the hormones are about to get much worse.

"Not until about January." I said as he smiled at me. Not like a boyfriend would, but how a friend does. The way they comfort you, not by kissing you until you forget, but by comforting you until you're okay. Not healed, but okay.

"Well I say you name him Kyle." He said with a cheeky smile as I stepped away from his so we weren't so close together.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that." I said as I turned from him and started walking back to my house so I could just be by myself.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow!" He called to me as I couldn't help but smile as I opened my front door.


"Mom! Did you see my basket?" Cody asked excitedly as we were driving home from his basketball game. Their team won, putting them further in the playoffs. The third round, after the the third round it's the finals.

"I did honey, it was amazing! And then I saw your brother score on both of his free throws which was very impressive." She said with a smile as the four of us all sat in the car, the boys sweaty in the back seat.

I was glad she kept her promise of going, and I hoped that she continued to show up at their games and other events because they were so happy. The entire car ride there they were beaming from ear to ear. And I was glad that they felt so special.

"Are you going to come to our next game?" They asked as we turned down our street. It was still light out, but the sun had already gone down.

"I'm going to try. I won't promise anything, but I will definitely try to come and watch you boys." She said with a smile as we drove passed the Defoe's house. "So Hadley, when do I find out who's coming over tomorrow?"

"Uh, I'm not sure they still are. If they don't, I'll tell you who it is." I said sighing as she drove into our dimly lit driveways

"Why wouldn't they come over tomorrow night?" She asked as she stopped the car in her usual spot.

"We got in a fight." I mumbled as I unbuckled my seat belt.

"And they can't come and talk to me now?" She asked sitting there not moving at all.

"Boys go inside please?" I asked them as I stayed in my seat.

"We can't, we don't have a house key." Said Jacob trying to stay in the car to listen to our conversation.

"Put the code in or stand in the front patio." I said trying not to fight with them about it. I already feel like I might fight with my Mom when I tell her who that baby's dad is.

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