Chapter 1 - Juliet Lois Martin

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I look nothing but a mess, my hair is all curled up and messy. My lips look pale and dry, my eyes were puffy and the skin around it were darker than the rest of my face. With the looks of things, it was very obvious that I hadn't have much sleep because of the incident that had occurred last night. I went home at one in the morning and left my number to the nurse who is in charge with my mother, in case that she wake up. I wanted to stay beside her but I can't since I need to look for a job. I don't want my mother to be drag out of the hospital because I don't have money to pay for the bills. Even if I wanted to touch the college fee that my mother has been saving up for the past years, I can't. My mother told me before that whatever happens, no matter how bad it is, don't ever use my college fee.

It's six o' clock in the morning and what I need to do was take a bath, take my breakfast and find a job. I hope and pray that I can find a job sooner.


I've been walking in the streets for five hours and nothing has even came up. I'm out of luck, I'm beginning to think that this is the end. Even if I wanted to think that there is still hope, I can't. Because of with the looks of things, nothing good has been entering with my life so far.

When I saw the bench near a café shop, I sat down and lean my back on it. I'm sweating all over, my stomach is grumbling and I look like a mess. I still can't get over by the fact that my mother is at the hospital because of some car accident, my mental well-being has been very much affected as well as my physical appearance.

"You look like you have just broke out from the prison." The voice come out from my back and I instantly stiffen my back and turn my head to look whoever that person was. I don't know who this girl is or why she's talking to me but I'm pretty sure that she really is referring to me. "I'm sorry but are you talking to me?" I pointed myself.

"Who else? You're the only one sitting there." She chuckle as she fondles her blonde curly hair in front of me. The girl that is standing in front of me was pretty, she has a petite body, blue round eyes and rosy cheeks. Her blonde curls suits her that it made her look really attractive.

"I'm sorry." I stammered. She carefully sitted beside me, in the most feminine way as possible. We're a complete opposite. "So, why are you here? I'm sorry for being blunt by the way, you look like you need company." I never imagine that such person like this exist. Is this for real? Or am I just seeing my angel turn into a complete human being. What the fudge am I saying?

"Does it really look like I'm that kind of person?" I let out small laugh as I tuck some stray strands of hair behind my ear. It's kind of awkward when you try to talk to someone you haven't met before. But with her, it seems like she's know what she's doing. She very confident and friendly in a way that you really want to talk to her when you're clouded with problems.

"Even your laugh is horrible." She bluntly said. The way she talks is different from the way she acts. "Sorry." She smiles at me, showing her small white teeth. Is she a model or something? If I were a boy, I'll immediately fall for her but only when she will stop talking. She's very pretty except how she speaks confidently.

"Problems. I have a lot of problems. You see, my life is a complete mess and what will save me right now is when I find a freaking job." I exhaled and observes how she'll react to that but it never change. She still have this smile and friendly look displayed all over her face.

She stretches her arms upward and said, "Well that's life. We all have problems and all we have to do was face them and look at the brighter side." She folded her arms against her chest and crosses her legs, "I know we haven't met before and I don't have the right to enter your personal life and whatever. So, I'm sorry for being so blunt and sitting right next to you like we're friends. I just needed someone to talk to you know. Well, anyway. Since we haven't met before, we can be friends right? Name's Angelique but you can call me, Angel." She extended her hand towards me, I shake her hand back and said, "Juliet but my friends call me JL."

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