Bethany is sleepingover

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Caleb's POV

Today our mom had told us that our friend Bethany is coming to sleepover tomorrow and we can't wait

Katie (mom): Guys, Bethany  and her Dad is sleepover for 5 days

Hayley: Really

Billy (dad): Yup, that's means you guys could have a blast time

Katie: Annie, she does gymnastics, Caleb, she love minecrafts, and Hayley, she loves baking 

All: Wow!!!

Hayley: When is she coming

Annie and Caleb: Tomorrow

Hayley: Yey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bratayley's Video

Annie: Hey guys so today our mom said that our friend Bethany  that we met at Playlist is sleepover at our house for 5 days and we are so excited 

Hayley: she loves baking

Caleb: she loves playing minecrafts

Annie: And she does gymnastics

All: Bye

Hayley's POV
I can't wait to see her

Annie's POV
Gymnastics here we go

Caleb's POV
Minecrafts you're the best

All: Horray

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