Back To December

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Back To December

Copyright © 2011 by Anesha G

Hugging her frame tightly, Skylar wet her parched lips as she paced her bedroom with evident agitation.

“Are you sure about this?”

Skylar paused briefly, her brown gaze flicking towards her best friend who was huddled under her comforter on her bed with a slight smile touching her lips. “It’s already done.”

Bailey shrugged, shuddering slightly before drawing the comforter closer to her form. “I know that, but it’s just…” She exhaled an icy puff of air. “I mean… Who’s to say he’ll show?”

Stopping short in front of her window, Skylar felt the smile fall from her lips while she watched the sky shed tiny droplets of white clouds, coating the earth with its pureness. She knew such a beautiful image should warm her heart with nothing but happiness, yet during a time like this, she couldn’t help but feel sadness and regret suffocating her.

“I have to stay positive,” She whispered, dragging her spheres from her window as she headed towards her closet for her jacket. “I know there’s a slim chance that he’ll show… but…” Her voice broke while she shrugged into her thick jacket.

“I’m not trying to be a pessimist, but…” Bailey stood from the bed while she walked over to the dressing table and took up a small picture of a dark-haired male with a piercing above his left eyes. “…After what you did, would you want to see you?”

Instantly, Skylar’s gaze shone with the evidence of tears as she snatched the photo out of her friend’s grip. She loved her friend dearly, but the fact that she was damping her already wet mood wasn’t helping her already wavering confidence. “I still… I still…hope…” She mumbled feebly, the image of the guy blurring as she looked at it.


“I still love him Bay,” She whispered, never taking her focus off of the image. “Therefore, I can never bring myself to stop hoping.” She exhaled loudly. “Even if I may not have a future with him, I’d still want him to hear me out.”

A loud sigh echoed in the room while Bailey made her way back to the bed and under the protection of the comforter. “Then why are you still here?”

When Skylar looked up at her friend, she was pleased to see her smiling encouragingly at her.


“Are you sure you want to do this?”

Skylar giggled loudly as she snuggled closer between her boyfriend’s legs, her back pressed to his front as her enveloped her in a hug from behind. His firm grip was securely holding the reigns of the sled they were currently seated in.

“I should be asking you that question!” He scoffed, easing down to nibble on her earlobe before kissing beneath it softy. “So…” He murmured, drawing her even closer to his frame with a huge grin kissing his visage. “Are you sure about this?”

Skylar gave him a scoff of her own, turning her head to look into his stormy gaze. “With you?” She shyly stole a kiss before her face heated up. “I’m always sure,” She whispered.

“You’re so cute,” He chuckled loudly while she ducked her head in embarrassment. “We’ve known each other our whole lives and we’ve officially been together for about four months and you still act like we just met!”

“Shut up Chayce!” She squeaked, looking around to see if anyone were listening to them. “I do not act that way!” She denied, a cute pout tugging on her lips.

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