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Here's the last chapter, Fairies! I want to thank you all so much for reading this book! It took me a year to write, but I hope you've all enjoyed it--and I hope it was worth all that waiting!

You all keep me going, and I love you so much! THANK YOU!!! <3


After that final moment, Levy took her last breath, and gave Gajeel her last smile. He told the guild later that she had looked peaceful when she passed, and that she seemed almost at ease.

Lily had offered to carry her back to Magnolia, considering Gajeel's weak condition, but he had refused. It took several hours, but finally they had made it back to Fairy Tail. Once they arrived, everything seemed to blur together. I guild went into shock at the news of Levy's death, and no one knew really what to do.

Jet and Droy had both blamed Gajeel for Levy's death in their grief, but he had merely offered a quiet apology. He didn't really speak to anyone for several weeks after it happened.

I couldn't blame him. I locked myself inside my apartment for over a month, not even letting Natsu and Happy inside. I had destroyed the novel I had been sharing with her, and I had even thought about leaving the guild. In the end, I knew that wouldn't make her happy.

It took a long time, but the guild eventually began returning to normal—or, as normal as it could be. Things were never really the same after that. Gajeel became secluded and never really returned to the guild much, Jet and Droy left the guild altogether, and it took years before anyone had the heart to clean out Levy's apartment in Fairy Hills.

Inside her apartment, I found a letter. It was addressed in her unmistakable handwriting, and sealed with wax. I never found it in my heart to open it, since it wasn't written for me, so to this day, I still do not know what was written inside that letter.

The only one who knows is the person it was addressed to. The person Levy loved most in this world.



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