My Dirty Little Secret

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Here we go..


Kaylee's POV

"Kayleeee! Kaylee are you even listening to me?! Kaylee!" I immediately snapped out of it and turned to look at Chloe.

"What were you saying?" I asked foggily. Falling asleep in the middle of a conversation was obviously not a good thing.

"Ugh! Okay so you know Ryan? Yeah, you know, tall could clearly be a Calvin Klein model.. Brown hair and green eyes? He asked me out! I don't even know what to wear so we're going shopping after school... Oh! Also.. You're coming with," I tried my best not to zone out knowing she would start to ramble, but immediately my attention was drawn back to her at her last sentence.

"Actually I cant," I shook my head and looked ahead, not wanting her to see through my obvious lie. I just hated parties, and going on double dates as Chloe swapped spit with her date wasn't exactly enjoyable.

"Why not? Don't tell me you're going to make some lame ass excuse!" She cried out causing some looks our way.

"Could you be any louder?" I questioned laughing. "You know my parents are out of town. I can't exactly leave Cole home alone. Imagine how trashed the place would be when our parents were back."

Cole is my eighteen year old brother. Now clearly, he wasn't the most mature. Every time my parents decided to ditch for another 'Romantic Vacation' he decided to take out the streamers and chips and throw a celebration.

"Well can't he go to a friends? Or even better," Chloe paused, wiggling her eyebrows. "He's still friends with, what's his name," she said snapping trying to click some memory. "Devon! And Devon could be your date while he brings Valeria!"

"Look, I admire your sense of humor thinking I'd actually bring Devon, or the fact that he'd agree, but no."

"Sorry I'm late Mr. T," Exactly on time, Devon strolled through the doors of English class as we all sat and chatted. But like normal, the classroom fell silent as the bad ass walked in.

"Oh no need there will be plenty time to apologize in detention, Devon," Mr. Tasha said enthusiatically.

"I try so hard to get to your class on time every day and this is how you repay me," Devon said smirking, obviously being sarcastic.

Devon.. He had dusty blonde hair with hazel eyes, and was extremely good looking. Blue jeans with a tight black t-shirt carving in the six pack beneath.

"Devon come on!" A group of guys called in the back. I turned to look and see who they were.

Felix, Lucas, Andrei, Dustin, and finally my idiotic brother Cole.

Devon smirked and found his way to the very back seat in the room, sitting on the chair and crossing his arms.

"Devon, I'll see you after school. Along with your friends who have already got it," Mr. Tasha said rolling his eyes.

"Wow.." Chloe said breathlessly. "They're all so HOT," she tried to say quietly.

I laughed off the comment while trying not to be disturbed how she acknowledged Cole and closed my book, waiting for the bell to ring. I was already ahead in most classes, its not like missing a lesson would move my grades down.

"Hey lil K," Felix said behind me and I turned to look at him hesitantly.

He was holding my diary. Well, at least what I called my diary. If it had something extremely personal I'd be freaking out, but the really there was no writing. Just drawings and sketches.

"Kaylee isn't that your diary?" Chloe asked.

"Chloe.. I don't have a diary. It's a journal," I murmured turning back around.

"Yeah but remember you have all those drawing about Cha-" my eyes widened. Chase... I wrote all about Chase Mckinley. The boy who broke my heart.

Just then the bell rang and I turned to grab my "diary" but Andrei stopped me.

"Hey Kay, you think I could borrow this for awhile?" He chuckled and I was momentarily distracted as his lips tipped into a small smirk.

"Well," I started but then thought better of it and shook my head. "Forget it."

I glanced at Devon who was looking up at me in his desk, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Oh come on you guys, give little Kaylee's diary back," Lucas said, who also looked quite amused, his blue eyes dancing around as he watched Chloe and I.

I turned around and opened the door, slamming it on the way out.

"Miss did you just slam that door?" Ms. Goldsmith asked. I began to wonder if Mother Nature was cursing me out for throwing that can of soda on the ground yesterday.

"What?" I looked at her in confusion.

"Detention!" She yelled at me, her short and stocky frame strutting down the hallways once she wrote me up a yellow slip. I glanced down at the paper with an unreadable expression.

Of course. Cause I'm gonna be known as the rebel who slammed a door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2014 ⏰

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