Roll Step, Crabwalk, and Every Other Convuluted Form of Walking

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The temple of Alisvern had two levels. The uppermost level was dedicated to knowledge and the study of magic. The priests spent hours going over the mechanics of magic, often conducting semi-illegal experiments on magical creatures to “increase their understanding of magic”.

Beneath Alisvern was a place that only the most despicable of criminals ever saw. Warlocks who summoned demons to wreak havoc, vampires who took humans as blood slaves, fairies who dragged men to their death.

Elliot had done many terrible things in his life, but even he didn’t think he deserved the treatment he was receiving. After their initial meeting, Ofelia had him moved to the prison below the temple to receive some of Ofelia’s “love and care.”

If by “love and care” she meant severe and painful torture. Elliot thought. Ofelia left him chained to one of the metal bars of the cell. He had already rubbed his wrist raw from desperate attempts at escape. It was useless in the end.

He strained his eyes against the darkness of the cell that was enough to unsettle even him. His main source of light came from the angry pixie in the cell across from him. It fluttered back and forth across its cell, throwing dirty looks at Elliot.

What Elliot knew of his imprisonment could help determine if he could escape or not. He knew the bars were designed to shock prisoners trying to escape, and that the floor was made of cold, granite stones. He could walk three steps before the silver cuff on his right hand pulled him back towards the bars. He knew that, even though there wasn’t a guard in sight, he was being watched. He knew there was something in the cell with him.

Elliot forced himself to breathe in the rank odor of the prison, a mixture of rotting cabbage and week old milk. He used what little light he had to search the cell. His eyes caught sight of movement in the far right corner. He squinted to get a better look. Elliot wished he hadn’t.

Sitting in the cell was something that appeared human, from a distance. It grinned at him, revealing rows of jagged, shark-like teeth. It looked like some twisted creature in a faery tale he had once read about undesirable sea creatures. That corner of the cave seemed to be bathed in darkness, yet the creature was emitting a light of its own. Vampire, he shivered as he realized what exactly he was seeing.

Faeries might be evil, but at least they were fairly civilized. Vampires were just savages that only ever thought about their next meal. Elliot watched warily as it patted the spot next to it. It seemed to be inviting Elliot to take a seat, but as Elliot took in the serrated teeth, the talons protruding from its hands, and the pupil-less eyes, he decided he was fine in his little corner.

Its lips pulled back into a snarl. Elliot’s pulse sky rocketed. He cursed. It swiftly jumped to its feet, taking one step forward. The silver cuffs that were secured on Elliot's wrist were also on the vampire. As soon as it stepped forward the chains yanked it back. He saw frustration cross the creatures face before leaning back, slowly merging with the darkness, disappearing from sight.

Elliot listened as a soft click and the sound of metal hitting the floor reached his ears. Ofelia's words flooded back to him. "I think after a night with one of our "special" guests, you'll be more than willing to comply."

Elliot lost his composure. Scrambling, he tried to reach for the iron bars that separated him from safety. As soon his hand touched the bar, he received a massive shock that left his ears ringing. Falling to the floor, he distantly heard the pixie's tinkling laughter at his misfortune.

Groaning, he shook his head to clear out the ringing. Looking up, he found himself staring into soulless black eyes.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2012 ⏰

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