Chapter 1-Fluttershy's POV

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"Twilight, I'm just too shy, and none of these books or lessons are helping. I don't think she'll ever like me... like that." I said. Twilight was trying to help me to get Rainbow Dash to like me, but more than just a friend. I've liked her like that for quite a while now, but I don't think the feelings are returned. "Fluttershy, I'm sorry that I can't help. Maybe I'm not the best mare to talk to. You know, Rarity is pretty popular with the boys, so maybe she can help you!" Twilight gave a big smile."Um, ok." I said quietly. "Thanks anyways, Twi." I waved goodbye and walked out the door. Rarity's isn't that far away, and I don't need to be there right away, so I decided that I'll stop by the market to grab some veggies for me and Angel. After that, I quickly dropped them off by the cottage and walked over the Rarity's.

//I know it's super short, but I didn't want to write a lot on this just in case you guys were like "NO THIS IS A TERRIBLE IDEA YOU SHOULD JUST GO TO HELL FOR THINKING OF WRITING SUCH A THING" and yeah. So tell me if I should continue in the comments, I'd love to continue this story. Thanks!//

I'd Take That Risk-FlutterDash (Fluttershy x Rainbow Dash) MLP:FiMWhere stories live. Discover now