After nationals

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Riley's POV
I am on my way home, from well, winning Nationals, we just won nationals, that means we go to internationals, but then I see Phoebe with an upset look on her face

"I have bad news, I was offered a contract with another dance studio that was my dream to choreograph for them, I just don't know if I wanna leave" Phoebe says

Everyone sighs, why, Phoebe was an amazing choreographer for The Next Step, she was weird, funny, the opposite of Kate, whom may I add if tough and as hard as a rock, 

And she wasn't into our kind of dancing, so we learned a lot, she was amazing, I wish she could stay, she is our only chance at winning Nationals, what will we do?

Chloe's POV
I am in studio A dancing to never loved like this before while I am thinking about Lucian and him owning the building, 

It is just putting a lot of pressure on me, I wanna stay and keep my spot on A- troupe, and I want Kate to stay,

Kate calls me into her office after I stand there, taking deep breath whilst standing in the middle of studio A after dancing

"Yes Miss Kate?" I ask her knowing she has something to say to me after seeing my solo to never loved like this before

"I thought since my sister Phoebe is leaving, I thought maybe Michelle or Riley could be the choreographer for The Next Step" Kate starts

"but then after I had seen your solo, I changed my mind, Chloe, how would you like to be The Next Step's new choreographer?" Kate states 

"I also thought to give it to you because, well you need money, this is a job that will give you money" Kate finishes

"OMG really, thanks you SO much Miss Kate" I beam out, with so much joy and excitement, I actually am now the choreographer at The Next Step, this is amazing, and it is a high paying job

"But, guess what, we will be having two choreographers,  Luther brown offered to be a choreographer as well here" Kate tells me

I am even more excited, I will get to work with the man that made us win Nationals, so, I think this is a really good deal, and a high paying job, I can't beleive that this is happening

James' POV
I am hanging out with all of my friend and we're just hanging out, but then I remember, oh shoot, I have to get going over to the music room

"Oh, guys listen I am very sorry but I have to go like right away" I say and then I rush off to the music room, nothing bad, but just, I promised myself I'd do a solo and work on it once a week

I get started and turn on hanging hats, I am trying to learn contemporary so, whatever, after I stand there

"Contemporary ain't easy James" Eldon says standing next to the door "You can't force yourself to do a style your body can't handle"

"I'll get it, this is not for me, but for my girlfriend Riley, alright, I wanna show her I can do her style since she can do mine" I say feeling out of breath and then take a seat

"Alright" Eldon says "But listen, I have to leave, so bye, but remember, auditions are in a few days, so be prepared, we don't want another injured dancer" And then Eldon walks out

"Contemporary isn't easy" I say to myself "But I will at least try it, no matter what even if it takes me days, weeks"

"Heck even years for all I know, I'll get it, even if it is the last thing I do, and that is for you Riles" I say to myself as it turned out Riley was listening to me say that

"Awe, that sweet, bye" Riley says and then with that she just walks out, I love her, and no matter what Eldon says to me, I will make sure I learn contemporary

Riley's POV
I am hanging out with James, we are just dancing to tied to you, hoping for it to be the internationals duet, everyone is watching it as Kate walks out of her office

"Guys, get ready, in two days is a dance off, one by one out of a hat you'll pick a name, and whatever name it is even if it is from the next step, you'll VS them for a spot on the team" Kate says

Eldon has a mad face but he keeps it in, and I am happy about that, this year should be amaizng, this has to turn out good, or else....

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