Skylars p.o.v : after I said that to Jason i Couldn't take it so I ran, I didn't mean anything that I said I was just angry and maybe Jason was telling the truth. Maybe I should go back and apologize, I wasn't watching where I was going and I bumped into a hard object and I was hoping it was jason but it was someone different. " Oh your McCanns girl right?, looks like he doesn't keep a good watch on you huh?, let's go, I finally am gunna get my revenge" the guy said. " NO JASON!!!! HELP ME!! PLEASE!!!" I yelled. "Shut the fuck up bitch!!" He said as he knocked me out the only thing I heard before I blacked out was jason yelling no.
Then I was out.
Hey bitches I've been busy with lIfe lol but I'll update more later on.

kidnapped and fell inlove(jm)
Fanfictionwhat hapened when skylar comes in contact with the infamous jason mccann will she survive or will she die all like the rest?