Chapter 4

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Jewel awoke hours later, the lower half of her body aching. As she struggled to sit up, her muscles ached. She rubbed at her sleep filled eyes and yawned, stretching her stiff limbs.

Once her eyes adjusted to her surroundings she moved to stand up. She wobbled a bit at the strange sway of the ship beneath her feet but managed to stay up. A wet spot on the bed suddenly caught her eye and she blushed furiously at the seemingly large damp area.

She bumped into the dresser behind her and turned, her eyes widening at her reflection in the mirror.

Several patches of red spots adorned her flesh where he had kissed and suckled along her skin, remembering his thick stubble against her lips. She raised her hands tentatively to touch the area around her mouth, before flinching.

She wrapped her arms around her naked flesh and stared at herself in the mirror before her. She had no idea how long she would be trapped here. She had no idea how long she would be here. She also had no clue if he would keep his word and take her home after his supposed mission. She nibbled her bottom lip, her mind wandering back to the night. So many kisses, so many gentle words of pleasure... She shook off the thought, refusing to admit what his touch had made her feel.

She stifled a sob and let out a breath of air, trying to smooth her hair down. She turned and let her eyes scan the floor, looking for her discarded dress and nightie. She quickly pulled her nightie on and stepped in to her dress. She quickly groaned in frustration as she realized that she didn't have the tools to button her dress back up on her own. She stomped her foot in indignation, god, she wanted, for the first time in her life, to kill someone. Particularly, a certain pirate.

The cabin door clicked as it opened and in walked her barbaric pirate. In his hands he carried a tray. On the tray sat a plate of something that did not look edible and two glasses, a bottle of wine in the crook of his arm. He sat all that he carried onto the small table in the center of the room.

She stared at him, her eyes boring into him as she glared at him. He merely smiled at her, looking at her from toe to head in a slow leisurely pace. "I liked you better with your clothes off, angel."

She frowned. Her face falling and contorting. She glanced at the plate of food on the table, her stomach growled.

He raised a brow before pushing the plate toward her. "This is for you. You should eat, cheri. You'll need your strength. Eat."

Her glare grew more menacing by the second and she turned moving toward the bed, ignoring the dry blood on the sheets, climbed underneath the comforter and pulled it over her head. She heard movement behind her but did not move. A loud shrieked escaped her lips as she felt herself being lifted from the bed. She gripped his forearms in her hands, taken completely off guard. He dropped her into one of the chairs at the table. He pushed the plate of food toward her and placed a spoon in her hand. "Eat. I won't let you starve yourself."

She suddenly felt rage shoot through her and before she could form a coherent thought she tossed the spoon across the room, she grabbed for the plate of slop and slapped it across his face. He jumped back just as the plate crashed onto the floor and broke into pieces.

"Take me home! Take me home now! I demand that you turn this ship around and take me home!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

He wiped at the mush on his face, giving her a blank stare as he did so. He sighed, before reaching across her, making her flinch, and grabbing the tray. He placed the glasses on the table before picking up the larger pieces of glass and placing them on the tray.

She watched as he did so, her honey colored cheeks red with indignation.

Once he had picked up the pieces he stood, heading for the door. "I'll bring you another plate, I expect you to eat it this time."

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