Chapters 5

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I published two chapters today ,it sure did take a lot of work but I did it for you guys those that actually read i appreciate

"And what was that for", I asked with anger written all over my face

"What did I do?",he asks in a low tone trying so hard to look like he did nothing

"Don't you act dumb with me, why did you have to pay for my stuff back there that was so not called for",I said in an angry tone

"Oh that don't sweat it",he commented

"Am supposed to be hosting you since I couldnt buy anything for us to eat while watching the movie the least i could do is get you something and if your paying whats the point,huh?", I said angrily

"Am sorry didnt know you'll take it that way" ,he said in apologetic tone

"Forgiven,but dont do that again if I didn't have my own money I won't have come to buy stuff",I commented

"Stace ,you know you look so beautiful when your mad at me",he said while laughing with a one sided smile

"Am serious",I said while trying put up a serious face not having so much luck with that I started laughing

"I know you are, that's why am sorry", he said in an apologetic tone

"Forgiven",I said while chuckling
Only because you make it practically impossible for me to stay mad at you

"That's why you love me", he said with a smirk on his face

"Yea", I said in a scarcastic tone

And what the hell was he trying to do back there I mean paying for my stuff pftt ,I mean don't get me wrong it was nice he decided to pay for my things and everything but common what he was trying to achieve was most definitely not working

Or rather still he wanted to do like those prince charming in movies *sigh*

Does things don't whoo me and I most definitely don't think it'll start now

We then walk home in total silence

And by home I mean my house

"You still angry ?",he asked with a grin on his face and one of his eyebrowns slightly raised like he knew I'd say no

"Naa",I said trying to convince him that sincerely I wasn't angry but maybe I was still a tad bit angry

"Ok then",he said with a mischievous smirk on his face

We finally got "home",and I decided to go and make the popcorn with the intention of using the instructions at the back of the pack cause I had no clue on how to make it mom usually made it so I decided to try for myself this time

"Aye,bryan chill for some seconds am going to make the popcorn",I commented while looking at the pack of the popping corn still clueless

"Uhmm,would you need some help?",he questioned with yet again that same smirk with his left eyebrown slightely raised

There he goes again the f**k is he trying to do ,trying to be all helpful and all that nice shit

Oh stace you ungrateful little twat just accept his offer

After all you have no idea on how this thing is made so why not let him join you,for all you know he may know a thing or two ,after all he asked

"Stace you there?", he asked with a grin on his face bringing me out of my deep thought

"Yea sure",I said with a blush slowly crawling up my cheeks

We then walk to kitchen and bring out all the things we would need and that would be a pot,spoon,measuring cup,water,a bowl,some vegetable oil and some granulated sugar

At least that's what the back off the pack said

"So let's get started",I commented reffering to no one in particular

"Aye",he said

After doing everything an idea popped into my head a stupid one @ that guess I was feeling like Albert Einstein at that moment

"Brrrryyaann!!!",I said while yelling his name and jumping up at down in excitement at that the so called brilliant idea I taught I had

"Stace!!,What's the problem?",he asked while chuckling

"It's just that I just taught of something to make this experiment a whole lot tastier",I said still jumping

"And what would that be?",he asked with curiosity written all over his face

"Why don't we put the sugar and oil in the pot before putting the kernels in that way it'd pop with sugar in it there fore making it sweeter?",I said in a high and excited tone

"Ok",he said with a very confused look while scratching the back of his neck as if saying well let's see how that turns out

"Oh don't give me that look it'll work out $5 if it works",I said with a grin on my face so convinced that it'd work for reasons unknown to me

"Ok,game on",he said with a mischievous grin on his face

I then put my theory into progress added the oil and sugar and lit the gas up still very much excited

Then it started turning brown

"Probably it's meant to be that way",he said with obvious doubt on his face while chuckling lightly as if he knew he had won

Then suddenly it become really brown and started getting thick

"Oh no,this is not how its meant to be",I put off the fire and quickly grab the pot to pour the liquid down the sink to my suprise it froze

While bryan was at the back laughing he's ass out,tryin to say something in between his laughter not suceeding much

"",Is all I could make out of his sentence

Pheww!! Now that's the end of that

How do you guys like Stacy's cooking adventure I could practically laugh my ass out but it late over here and people would hate for me to make noise at this time of the morning

Yes it morning,stayed up late writing this chapter since I was up all night reading other stories on here just decided to complete this story

Pls comment and vote

Thanks to those who have read so far I luh u all

This authors note is long so thanks to those who read this too,lol

I'd write edited on the chapters I have corrected so sorry for any mistakes


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