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We were trying to not be found. We waited there a little longer and when we were sure they had gone, we ran. We ran until we could go no further. Our main dilemma was the fact that my leg was starting to give out. Even though I could walk and even run, the bullet hole was still there and it was still infected. Since Daniel and I ran away after only a week of treatment, the infection came back in my leg, and all though the doctor gave me a better splint for my wrist, it didn't feel any better than it did from day one. My wrist was always aching from carrying the extra weight of a bag and, bending.
I saw Daniel look straight forward into the distance, and at first I thought he was just thinking about something, but then i realized that he was staring at something. His face was frozen in fearful concentration, and at first I wasn't concerned until he told me not to move.
"What is it Daniel?", I whispered.
"Shhh, stay still and wait 'til I give you the signal to get up.", He whispered back.
I waited for several moments before he finally gave me a signal to slowly get up. As I did, I heard slow growling. I thought it was a dog, and I thought correctly. The dog started to bark and Daniel and I knew who had found us. As we started to take off again, Daniel and I ran in separate directions. I ran to the right and Daniel ran in the opposite direction. I was less fortunate than Daniel, because just as I saw a way to lose the men that were chasing me, a trap was triggered, and up I went, tangled in a net.
"We got them!", one man yelled.
"Yeah, but we lost the other one you numb skull!", the other man next to him yelled.
"Oh come on, lighten up Charles! I did a good job if I say so myself.", the man who was called numb skull proclaimed.
"Well you don't say so, the boss does, and he ain't gonna say so, since you half-assed your job Jim!", Charles said.
The two men bickered back and forth for what seemed like five minutes, before finally turning to me and discussing what to do with me. Not long after their debate, I heard Daniel shouting. He was caught, and we were doomed. The men holding Daniel captive already had ropes around his wrists and neck, and they were dragging him. Everytime he pulled back, the ropes got tighter, and when they drug him to where the men could all meet and talk about what to do next; Daniel was suffocating from the tightness of the ropes.
"Stop! You're choking him!"
"Shut your mouth, or you'll be next."
But before I knew it, I was out of the net, with similar bonds on my wrists and neck. Our stuff was confiscated, so we had no weapons. The ropes rubbed my skin raw and when I resisted, the ropes got tighter and tighter, to where I couldn't pull them loose with my bound hands. I couldn't speak since the ropes were cutting off my breath, so instead I let out rasping noises. Daniel tried to walk over to me to help me, but the men wouldn't let him get near me, and as they looked back at Daniel to tell him not to get close to me, they saw me as I stood still and collapsed. They were standing over me when I awoke minutes later. The rope was off my neck and I could breath again. Daniel went through something similar to my experience, and the rope around his neck was off too.

Autobiography of an abolitionist Part IWhere stories live. Discover now