You are beautiful

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Girls (and guys... really, anyone who's reading this), I want you to remember one thing: the models on the covers of those fashion magazines/album covers/other forms of media, probably don't look like that in real life. In most cases, the photos have been drastically edited. Everyone has imperfections (even models), and those imperfections are what makes you special. God created you in His perfect image, and He loves you... very much. (Yes, I know I basically quoted VeggieTales there. But it's true!)

There will be days when you don't feel like you're beautiful; when you don't feel like you're good enough. You'll look at those fashion magazines and think, "I wish I looked like *insert celebrity's name here*." Well, let me tell you something: celebrities have imperfections, too; the media just edits out those flaws

We, as a society, need to start accepting ourselves for who we are. We need to stop tearing ourselves (and others) down, and start building each other up. If you're influenced by the media, and you start to tell yourself that you're not worth it, not pretty enough- any comments like that... eventually, you'll start to believe those things you're saying.

Outer beauty doesn't really matter that much. Your personality is really the only thing that matters. When you meet people, they like you the most because of your personality. I may not know all of you who are reading this editorial today, but let me encourage you by telling you this:

You are smart; you are talented; you have the ability to make a difference, even if it's just a small impact on someone's life; you are loved by so many people; and you are perfect the way you are.

Never let anyone tell you any different.

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