Chapter 3

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chloe's POV;
We arrived at Anna's party. Music poured out of every door and window there was fairy lights every where. "Aren't you gonna look for him?" grace proclaimed " ye i will" . I went in squashed by all the bodies then i saw him at the punch bowl drinking punch (as you do). i called out for him but the music was too loud so he couldnt hear. i walked towards him, getting delayed by the dancing crowd. As i approched him someone came over to him they were talking and then.

I had to get out of that room my heart was beating so fast i could hear the music just my heart. I ran upstair trying to look for a room to be on my own in. I took me a few different rooms because the were all occupied by, well... people. Finally i found a room i could be alone in and drown my self in my thoughts of him and that.... Blond!!!!!!!. i started throwing things around the room with anger. I was so angry that he.... kissed her tha,t b***h!!!.

30 minutes later Grace and Anna found me sobbing my sorrows into a ripped pillow with feathers every where. We talked for ages. I didnt even have to tell them about what he did because they already knew.

I wanted to die, I loved him and he broke my heart. When GRace and Anna left I found some pills in Annas bathroom, she has had them since she was liitle because of her condition. I dont know how many i took but after a few every thing went black and i felt the coldness of the tile floor.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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